Family dinner / dillyn

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You and dillyn were going to your parents house to have a family dinner(this is there first time meeting dillyn) you were nervous about what your family was gone say about dillyn

Yn: baby you ready

Dillyn: yeah baby how do I look

Yn: fine asf

Dillyn:ik (pops imaginary collar)

Yn: boy come on before we be late

So y'all got in dillyns red camaro
And headed to your parents house
(Skips to when y'all get there)

Y'all pulled up and got out the car you could tell dillyn was nervous

Yn: baby just relax

You said as you knock on the door

Your mom answered it

Ym: hey baby(hugs you) you must be dillyn (hugs dillyn)

Dillyn: I see were yn gets her looks from (smiling)

Ym: I like him already

You guys walk in and see your dad

Yn:hey daddy

Yd: hey my princess(hugs you) you must be dillyn (shakes dillyns hand)

Dillyn: please to meet you Mr.(your dads last name)

(Skips to dinner)

Everybody sat down and blessed the food

Yn: daddy can you fix me a plate

Dillyn+your dad: sure baby

Then it went silent

Yn: *clears throat* nvm I'll fix it

You fix you plate and started eating dillyn was eating

Ym: that boy can sure eat

Yn: he sure can *smirks*

After dinner you guys talked and joked and was looking at old family photos then it was time for you guys to go

Yd: dillyn my boy I really like you and *whispers* yn mom calls me daddy to if ya know what I mean

Dillyn: fr awe shit you hitting it right

Yn: DILLYN ....... DAD

you guys left your parents house

Yn: they really like you

Dillyn: who wouldn't

(How you guys like it and you dad and dillyn a fool)

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