Caught\ Lucas coly

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Dedicated to Alsinas_bae



"Shhhh" mayah said to lucas as she snuck him threw the widow

"Man ion see why we gotta hide our love fa each other" lucas said

slightly annoyed with mayah's overprotective father........ you see mayah's father didn't want mayah with anyboys....... older ones at thatm...... mayah was 17 and lucas was 22

"You know why" mayah said

Lucas didn't say anything he only replied with a kiss....... It took mayah by surprise but she kissed back fast

Lucas hands traveled down her body grabbing her ass making her moan

"Shhhhh" mayah said

"Ma that's yo ass"
Lucas said

She giggled and continued the kiss

Lucas lifted up her shirt unhooking her bra too sliding her pants off and panties leaving her completely naked mayah's body shivered as the cool air his her body and 😻

Lucas licked his lips at the beautiful sight

"Damn ma you beautiful"
He said

She blushed

Lucas undressed himself

Attacking mayah's body with love bites trailing all the way down to her already soaked pussy😻  lucas ate like a starving man making mayah moan not caring if her father was 4 doors down lucas licked on more time and mayah squirted he sat up readying himself

"You ready?"

He asked

She shook her head and bit her lip

He entered making her scream and arch ha back

"Yes daddy"



Her father woke up hearing the noise coming from his daughters room he thought

"I'm her only father"

So he thought but mayah's screams said different

He slipped on his Gucci flip flops walking to her room he opened the door almost fainting at the sight

His daughter getting piped down by a older man in his house


He yelled causing them to jump lucas grabbed his clothes while mayah covered herself up with her cover

Mayah's father was speechless anger and hurt built up in side he didn't know what to say so he just let his hands to the talking he ran up to lucas punching him he grabbed the lamp and hit him in the head

Lucas wanted to fight back but he wasn't finna hit an older man the girl he was in love with father

"Get tf out"

Lucas ran out

Mayah sat there scared


He said pointing to mayah

"Don't say shit to me you will not see him too him.... Or even think about him if you do so help me I'm pressing charges"

Mayah sat there crying

"No you can't do this"

She said pleading and crying

"Mayah don't get fucked up"

He said walking out

"I hate you!"

Mayah yelled crying

She felt like a piece of her was gone😩😩

(Hope ya like it boo my first omniscient imagine😻😻)

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