Movie night / lucas coly

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||your pov||


I called out to my boyfriend lucas

Lucas: yes baby

You: Im bored baby

Lucas: come on I wanna see that new movie the jungle book

I laughed

You: ok baby

||Your POV||

Me and lucas was in the snack line ordering snacks I was getting a lot of shit we basically bought the snack Line

Lucas played for the snacks and we went to find our seats

You: I wanna sit at the very top

Lucas nodded

We walked to the top and sat down the movie started

||Your POV||

We were in the middle of the movie and lucas was so into it
He sat his hand on my thigh and rubbed it

He looked at me and smirked
His big cold hands traveled up my thigh making me shiver and his touch he put his hand up my skirt and massaged me threw my panties I quietly moaned he chucked I slipped my hands in his pants and stroked him

He inserted a finger pumping slowly I moaned


Some lady said

"Bitch fuck you"

Lucas said

I giggled and he added another finger making gasp

He pumped fast I was going crazy

I felt my climax and I squirted it went in this lady popcorn and drink

I gasp and hit lucas

"Look what you did"

He chuckled

"Atleast you taste good"

I giggled

I pulled out his member
And licked it

"You a freak!"

I kept going he grabbed my hair moving my head up and down

"Fuck I'm cumming"
He groaned I kept going and he came I swallowed

"Good girl"

I wiped my lips and seen the movie was over

We got up fixing ourself

walked by that lady and lucas slapped her drink and popcorn out of her hands

It spilled

"Fuck you doing you can't taste my girl only I can"

The lady was shocked and confused

(Yayo ok since y'all made me have over 100 reads and more than 20 votes her goes an imagine

All I need is  20 comments and my ass will be happy

But hope y'all like

*excuse any mistakes*


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