3 sum / dillyn and Lucas

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Dedicated to TaureanQueen cause she finna kill me fa this imagine😐


"Damn this party lit"
I said to my Bestfriend Liza

"Hell yeah....but ol dude checking you out"
She pointed to this fine ass light skin

"Oh shit he coming"
I said

"Wassup ma....I'm lucas"

"I'm red"

"Let's grab some drinks"

I looked at Liza and she gave me that girl go be a hoe look and I smiled


(At the bar)


"Sex on the beach"
I said to the bartender

Lucas said

(30 drinks later)
I was feeling lifted asf

Lucas was taking me to a room

"W....where we going"

"To have fun"

I nodded I didn't know what have fun meant but it sounded.....fun

We walked in a room and a dark skin was there

"I'm dillyn"


"Red you ever had a three sum"


Him and lucas chuckled

They started to undress me

"Relax let us do all the work"

Dillyn kissed me and lucas rubbed my 😻 making me moan

Dillyn un hooked my bra they layed  me on the bed lucas kissed my navel and dillyn was sucking on my titties lucas flicked his tongue making my back arch
He flicked and licked for 5 mins  making me cum

They flipped me so now dillyn was on the bottom and lucas was behind

They pounded
In me


I screamed

(8 mins later)

I came and Liza texted me

Come on boo

Ok omw

"Lucas dillyn I have to go"

The nodded I got up and they both smacked my ass

"We should do this more"

Lucas said

"I'd like that"

I got dressed and limped downstairs

Liza: 3 sum

Me: how ya know

Liza: I have ways .....I can't believe you ain't invite me

I laughed

Me: I  got you next time

We laughed and headed to Liza's car

(There ya go boo hope ya ass happy finna kill me over this imagine)

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