Lights out / Lucas

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Dedicated to _KayyBabyy

Kae'leah(kaykay) POV
Today was a stormy day and I was scared so I decided to call my boyfriend lucas over

(Phone convo)

Lucas: hello

Kay: its me.... Nah JP baby come over I'm scared

Lucas: ok big baby

Kay: yay

So I was waiting for lucas at the door(tilts head lol) there was a knock I looked threw the peep hole and it was lucas I opened the door and jumped on him making him drop some bags

Kay: Baby I missed you

Lucas: I seen you last night.

Kay: so you don't miss me

Lucas: ummm not really

Kay: fuck you(walks away but lucas grabs you)

Lucas: I'm JP you know I miss my kayy baby

We go situated and shit we decided to watch woman in black 2 in the middle of the movie I had to pee I went to the bathroom and peed while I was on the toilet then I heard BOOOOMMMM the lights went out bitch lemme tell you I wiped my ass so fast and ran


the I seen a shadow oh hell nah the woman in black tryna get me we gone have to catch a round tho (all my life I had to fight) the shadow got closer so my ass ran I was running and my dumb ass fell down the stairs I was ight tho I got up and seen the shadow and it reached for me and grabbed me I started kicking and screaming then the person let go and groaned the lights flicked on and I seen lucas in pain

Kay: awe baby I'm sorry you can't be popping up on niggas like that( Marlon Wayne voice)

  I helped him up and sat him on the couch and and gave him a ice pack and a kiss

Kay:how about we watch Martin instead

Lucas: yeah that sound less scarier and painful

(Hope you like it)

ThaDiamondz Imagines《Completed》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora