Child of mine/Lucas

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You and lucas had a 3 year old daughter named layla

Yn: layla!!!
Lay: yes mommy
Yn: pick up these toys
Lay: yes mommy.........daddy
Lucas: yes princess
Lay: mommy said pick up my toys(lying)
Lucas: ok ( picks up toys)
You walk in the room
Yn: layla did you pick up them toys like I said


Lucas:wait she told me you said for me to pick up the toys

Yn: *laughing* and yo dumb ass fell for it


lay: yes daddy(innocent)

Lucas: why you lie and say mommy said pick up the toys

Lay: cause I knew yo dumb ass was gone fall for it

Lucas+yn: LANGUAGE!!!

yn: lay go to your room

Lay: ok mommy (mumbles) bitch

Yn:*gasp* were she get that from

Lucas: *looks at you* hmmmmm I wonder

Yn: fuck you lucas

Lucas : when*smirks*

Yn: *walks upstairs lucas follows*

(Sorry its short layla got a bad mouth)

(Sorry its short layla got a bad mouth)

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(Layla up top)

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