What is love?/ Vier

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Based of of what is love by v.bozeman


Your POV

I sat up drinking the last shot of vodka waiting for my boyfriend vier he does this every night and I'm tired of it really the door knob twisted and vier tried to sneak in I cleared my throat and he jumped

Vier: hey......hey baby what you doing up

I gave him that "bitch explain look"

Yn: don't worry about me....where were you Xavier

Vier: out and the studio

Yn: with?

Vier: yn you should really go to sleep (pick up empty bottle) wtf yn

I giggled

Yn: don't worry about me

Vier: you drunk yn

Yn: why do you do this

Vier: do what?

Yn: stay out all night then come home like that shit is ok when its not then try to flip the mothafucking script .......you cheating on me

Vier: yo you talking real reckless

Yn: am I vier

I pushed him he grabbed my hands roughly

Yn: what is love vier if it just dresses up and goes

He looked away

Yn: do you love me vier

He looked away and didn't say nothing I began to cry

Yn: Vier.....do you love me

Still no answer

I pulled away from him and looked at him with hatred and sadness I grabbed my purse and keys and pushed past him

"YN YN YN!!"

He yelled but I kept walking I got in my car and drove off cutting on v.bozemans what Is love and began to cry

My vision got blurry so I wiped my eyed I seen bright light and horns being honked ..........that's when I seen darkness

(Part 2?????) 

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