Chapter 15

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We land in Paris and make our way through the airport and collect our bags. The flight went well and I studied for the hour of flying which calmed me down, I honestly don't know why my anxiety levels were high.

Declan pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm round my waist and we exit the airport.

"We're here baby" He says with a grin on his face. I don't think anything of his actions though because he's always been this way.

I stand looking at Paris in front of me all the people running around, shouting as they gather there thoughts after their flight. It's gorgeous, Paris truly is one of my favourite and one of the most beautiful places in the world.

"Oh there's Alexandre, quick come on." Declan says picking my luggage up and walking towards the car with it.

"Coming" I shout back.

I make my way to the car and get greeted Alexandre.

"Hi darling, I hope your flight was okay!! We've all missed you so much." He says kissing both cheeks. He honestly is the most amazing person I've ever met. Talented is too less of a word to use.

"Hi, I've missed you so much too!! I'm so glad to be here. The flight went well thank you." I reply and climb into the back of the car, Declan sits in the front with the driver and me and Alexandre sit in the back. I scroll through my twitter and reply to any messages, I let my mum, dad and Katie know I'm here and then text Jamie.

To Jamie

I've arrived, hope your day went well x

- P

There I won't text him again unless he texts me... I'm glad I'm out of the awkward phase with him now, he's really comforting which is such a turn on but not too much.

"What are you smiling at missy?" Alexandre says to me and I blush.

What I didn't even realise I was smiling!! Damn it Jamie

"Alex, you have no idea!"

"Girl, details tonight! I'd ask now but we are nearly here and we have a tight schedule."

"Deal" I say back to him.

We finish up the work for today and head to out hotel, we are staying in the Four Seasons Hotel in Paris and it's an absolute dream! It's perfect. Declan's next to me which is great so we decide that we will go to the gym at 7:00 together and then to breakfast with each other every morning at 9:00. I will, he won't.

I get ready to meet Alex and walk out my room to hear Declan on the phone arguing.

"You have no right telling me what I can and cannot do. How dare you try to blame for the hurt you placed upon us, upon out family! For fucks sake Kendall. I'm sick of it, we were of for months before we finished officially so don't dare try to say I moved on quickly." He's shouting. Then it goes silent and I wait a second and just as I'm about to knock I hear him once again.

"I CAUGHT YOU, NOT THE OPPOSITE." and his voice cracks, I cannot bare this any longer. I knock on his door and he opens it immediately a tear mark down his face wiping all the make up he had on from the shoot and I just wrap my arms round him.

"I'm okay Pen"

"No you're not. I thought it was in the past!

"Oh trust me it is! I was angry that's all, she means nothing." He replies and I can tell he's serious.

"Good, I need to meet Alex but I'll see you in the morning?"

"Course Pen"

I leave, as if. My care for Declan rushes back and all I want to do is call her and give her a piece of my mind. But I've met her once and only know a little part of the story and well it isn't my place in the slightest.

I met Alex in the reception and we go out for dinner and I tell him about everything to do with Jamie and he tells me his new love conquest. He believes that Jamie and I have something special but to not rush into anything and leave my options open.


I arrive home from the gym and automatically check my phone knowing Penny should be there. To my surprise she's texted so I just reply wishing her a good trip and answering her question.

I'm going out tonight with a friend, he knows about Penny and seems to think more is happening than it actually is, after a week? Steady pal. That's the press for you, I can't believe I didn't know who Penny was before she's a pretty big model especially at the minute.

I get ready and leave we decide on going to a quiet bar and we talk a lot. I realise I need to toilet and dismiss myself, I make my way back and I look over and see Billy sat on his phone with an odd expression on his face. Shit, what's happened.

"Hey bro, what's up?"

"So you and this Penny are dating yeah?"

"Not officially, why?"

"You better see this"

He shows me his phone and clicks the snapchat story on, pictures of Declan and Penny pop up kissing, only on the cheek but there's a little more too, pictures of themselves and videos come up and there in what looks like a hotel room?


Why am I so jealous? Whose is that on? I thought he didn't know her, I showed him one picture.

Snapchat as well? How old are we.

"I thought you didn't know her Billy, what the fuck?"

"Clearly I know Declan, he's a good friend. I saw his snapchat thought she looked like her and put two and two together. I didn't know it was my friend Declan who is with her, mate this is nothing... But I had to show you"

"What time is it there?" I ask him.

"There an hour infront so 12:47 there bro"

"Fuck this"

I pick up my phone and go to call her, what am I doing? We aren't even dating. I slam my phone on the table and down a load of drinks and I don't even bother to pace myself.

The feeling-A Jamie Dornan fanfic (UNDER EDITING) I cringe when I read it. Where stories live. Discover now