Chapter 54.

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My best friend is married to her soul mate and I'm lay next to my soul mate thinking about the fact that we are going to New York and Paris in a few weeks.

"I love you Penny"

"I love you too Jamie" I say kissing him.

I need to let this argument go fully. I forgave him so I cannot keep this grudge. It isn't fair on me or Jamie for that matter.

"What are you thinking?" He adds.

"About us" I mutter not sure what to say.

"Me too, don't over think things you'll drive yourself crazy" he says propping himself up using his elbow.

"I know" I say kissing me and he roles over on top of me.

We wake to the sun shining through the open window. I didn't realise that I'd drank so much last night... Head aches dull but very much there.

Jamie begins to stir.

"What time is it?" He mumbles, I get my phone and check. It's only 9am.

"Only 9 babe"

"Are you getting up?" He asks and I just nod so he sits up.

"Shall we go down for breakfast?" I ask him and he agrees.
We walk into the restaurant/dining area and everybody's sat down already.

"Good morning" Jamie says in his sexy Irish accent and I do too.
We sit at Olivia and Harrison's table talking amongst ourselves. Harrison jokes about how they spent their night and Jamie jokes and says ours was the same.

We decide on going to the spa before we leave, Olivia and I are getting a massage next to Harrison and Jamie who can't stop talking. They're acting like children.

"Lads! Please be quiet!"

"Sorry" they both mumble clearly aware of the irritation our voices.

"Are you coming back to my house Jamie?" I ask as we finish packing our things.

"It's up to you babe" he says back with a sexy look. He's gorgeous.

The feeling-A Jamie Dornan fanfic (UNDER EDITING) I cringe when I read it. Where stories live. Discover now