Chapter 25.

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I can't believe what happened, I've never experienced that and Penny really helped me relax. I'm glad she came round. To begin with I wasn't too sure, my own company was looking like the best.

She's fell asleep on me now, her head resting on my chest, I run my fingers through her hair.

Are we going too fast? No, we both know what we want. We've known each other what three weeks?

I scroll through my messages and emails replying to all the ones I require. I then go on Instagram, I never post on social media and recently I've had the urge to. I post a picture from Pennys dad birthday, she looks gorgeous and I'm not going to lie I don't look too bad.
It's 10:40pm I'll carry Penny to bed, it's pointless her waking fully although she does begin to stir alot.

"We're going bed babe"

"I'll walk" She replies grinning.

"It's okay princess" I know she likes it when I call her that because she looks down at her fingers, she does that when she's nervous.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, our breathing in sync. I should plan a date, possibly something different perhaps to the cinema. We haven't done that that yet, I'll book the tickets online tomorrow and make reservations for afterwards.


I wake up really warm, I forget Penny's even here until I turn over. I climb out of bed and get my sweats on to go for a run.

I'm running down the road, I hear my phone go off. It's my dad.


"Jamie, it's your sister I was wondering if I could come and stay wih you whilst I'm working near you? I'll make hotel reservations otherwise"

"No, of course you can! You're welcome anytime" I don't think I've ever been more happy to see my sister, it's hard to see family when your constantly travelling.

"Perfect its next Thursday"

"Deal, love you"

"I love you too J" Her voice sounds more soft than usual as if she's excited to see me.

I make my way home to find Penny cleaning the kitchen.

"Excuse me? I didn't want a cleaner"

"Haha, sorry! I made a drink and got water on the side and well one thing led to another"

"I have a cleaner to do that babe"

"Lazy" She mouths to me as she places the cleaning equipment back into its place.

I catch my self noting not to rush into anything too quickly regularly, which I can't quite understand why because everything's perfect. Well I suppose that's what it is, it's to good to be true it always is but for some reason I'm hoping this is different, it feels different.

I grab my phone and decide to text Jessica asking if she would like to go out with Penny and I whilst she's here so that she can get to know her a little better.

"Penny" I shout and she walks in her underwear, she looks amazing. Her trainer really keeps her I perfect shape.

"Yeah" Her voice soft and innocent.

"Well I didn't expect that" I begin walking over to her and I take my top of on the way.

She stands staring at me and bites her lip...

"Your gorgeous" I kiss her neck and she moans.

"You know we've never had sex here"

"JAMIE DORNAN" She says, practically shouting as she slaps my arm jokingly.

"Way to kill the moment" I say glaring at her.

"Shut up" She says as she wraps herself around me, kissing me. I know she wants me and I aim to please.

"Fuck Jamie" She moans beneath me.

"Baby" I answer as she collapses beneath me as do I.

"It's better unexpected" I say winking at her.

"It's always better with you" She replies grinning.

"So as I was trying to say before I was distracted by a certain person"

"Should I be jealous?"

"No, my sister is staying next Thursday for a few days. I spoke to her this morning. Would you like to go out for a meal or something"

"Of course" Her voice full of care, I kiss her forehead and peal myself from the bed not because I want to but because I have no choice, I have to work.

A.N If you're enjoying this then please leave a comment or vote... Do you enjoy Jamie's POV? I enjoy writing them a lot so let me know!

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