Chapter 20

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I wake up to Penny next to me with her leg draped over mine. This is were it all begins. I try to get out of bed but fail miserably at not waking her as she immediately begins to wake up.

I grab my phone from the bedside table and begin to read through my twitter, literally every tweet is about Penny and I. I decide to tweet 'It's official guys (boy and girl emoji) She's a keeper' and a picture of Penny and I stood in front of The Eiffel Tower. Instantly tweets come flooding in and I just sit and smile. I never tweet either so that probably shocked people.

I reply to emails and then realise its 8:00am and our flight is at 3:00pm and Penny wanted to have a walk to the shopping centre and have lunch before we leave at 1:00pm for the airport. So I decide to wake her.

"Come on, sleepy head"

"What time is it?"

"Time to shop now get up, there's a new pair of Chanel shoes in the shop waiting for us" Instantly her eyes open.


"Not as tempting as you now get up we need breakfast, before I do something I'll regret" I say winking and realise we're both naked.

"I'm not really hungry for breakfast though" She says biting her lip which I know is intentional.

I lean down to kiss her forehead and she wraps her arms around my neck attempting to hold me down. I give in and lay on her and she begins to thrust upwards towards me knowing she'll get a reaction from me.

"You're a bad influence Penny" I say as I proceed to kiss her neck. She moans and I know she wants me.

We begin make slow passionate love and she begins to come apart underneath me.

"Fuck Jamie" She mutters as we meet each other at every thrust. We both come almost in sync and I roll of her and we both lay staring up at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity.

She grabs her phone and rolls over with a smirk on her face.

"What?" I ask her curiously

"Nothing, just Katie"


I wonder what that was about..

"It's my dad's birthday party tomorrow, I need to get a new outfit... So lets go" She says jumping out of bed.

"You can come if you want?" She adds. Shit. Has she just invited me to meet her family.

"Err... Are you comfortable with it? I mean I don't want to intrude"

"No, it's fine honestly"

"Alright, speak with your dad then first"

"It's a surprise. However, he wants to meet you anyway. He wasn't happy he couldn't confirm you were right for me so he wants to inspect you"

"Okay. You've made me very nervous now. I mean first impressions last and I certainly don't want to make a bad one"

"No you don't, he can be very demanding as to what he wants. He never used to be as bad as now. I suppose things happen and change the way you view things" She says walking out. What was that supposed to mean? An ex perhaps? Declan? No he wasn't an ex. Jayden? Possibly.

She comes out in a tracksuit and still looks put together, I do the same.

"Let's go" She says

I grab her hand and we walk out... Pennys driver sits waiting in the car for us and we get in.

"What do you need to get today?"

"An outfit for tomorrow and eyelashes"

"Eyelashes?" I ask laughing

"Yeah, I've ran out haha... What do you need?"she says laughing.

"An outfit for tomorrow, a gift for your dad, a new tie and a haircut"

"For once your list is longer than mine and I already have my dad something so you're not babe"

"First impressions last" I say winking at her. Of course I need to get him something.

We arrive at the first few shops and she tried multiple dresses on but none are perfect apart from one out of Miss Selfridge which she purchases. I look in top man and buy some jumpers and jeans then we both buy some gym clothes from Nike and Adidas.

We reach the more expensive designer stores and I see her eyes brighten, we go into Chanel and Penny finds two pairs of heels in black and one in white but cannot decide on a pair, so leaves.

I decide to go back in and purchase them both without her knowing whilst she is looking in other stores.

"For anybody special these Mr.Dornan"

"They sure are, she couldn't decide on a pair earliervso left them, just earning brownie points" I reply and we both start laughing

"That's €1295.96 please sir" I hand her my card and she hands me the bags back.

I walk back into Burberry where I left Penny and she's at the makeup with a sales assistant probably buying every item this is shown to her.
I stand behind them and as the sales assistant walks away I hold her waist from behind.

"Hi babe"

"Jamie... where did you go?"

"Turn around, I'll show you now"
She turns around and looks instantly at the bag and she just looks with confusion.

"What did you get from Chanel?"

"Just some heels" I say and she just stares at me confused.

"You're a five right?" I ask her

"Yeah... No you didn't" She says gaping at me

"I did, which ones did you decide on?"

"Ermm both?" I answer quickly.

"Omg, I don't have to make my mind up now!! I'll give you the money when we get out of here"

"Of course your not,I bought them for you!!" I say, she's not getting out of this one.
She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me for what feels like forver.

"You've made me cry you dick, thank you " She says sobbing and laughing.

"Oh thanks for that"

"No seriously thank you so much but you can't buy them for me"

"It's too late, come on we'll pay for these"
She nods in approval and purchases her things.

We walk into a shop and again many pieces are tried on and Penny purchases a jumpsuit.
We finish shopping and I buy her dad a coat from Ralph Lauren which she objects to but I insist. She's a stubborn one. I thought she was going to cut my bank card up at one point.

I get my hair cut and we leave. I have everything I need and so does Penny and we are back by 11:00am.

She tries her new outfits on and decides on the dress, I walk out the room and walk back into her walking around in only her heels and lingerie. She looks sexy.

The feeling-A Jamie Dornan fanfic (UNDER EDITING) I cringe when I read it. Where stories live. Discover now