Chapter 49.

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My heads completely and utterly fucked. I told her I never did anything and I told her I loved her after pulling her back but she walked out anyway. She left me sat in a restaurant on my own! Lord knows that I'd never do anything to hurt her intentionally. I don't remember the night at all. Only Sophia being there and then the rest Penny told me and a little from Sophia.
Why did I speak to her like that? How badly has this affected the relationship? People get through things like this constantly.

To Penny

Baby, please. We need to talk immediately. We need to decide what's going on you can't just leave me in the dark forever it isn't fair. I love you.

I contemplated not putting the I love you at the end but it wouldn't be right.
Fuck this, it's 11:00pm and I don't care. I'm going to Penny's. I cannot sit in this house one more second.
I arrive at hers all the lights are on so she must be home or at least up. There's a car parked out side, it looks familiar but I don't really know whose it is?...

I stand motionless at the front door, man up Dornan. Have I ever brought myself to a women's door before?
I knock once but she doesn't answer so knock again but with a little more authority this time and I hear laughing as the hall light comes on telling me she's coming.
The door swings open and it's not the face I expected to see nor wanted to fucking see. It's fucking Declan! Before I know it I'm shouting at him to get out of my fucking way. I'm furious! We're in an argument and he's there to console her, nope I do not think so.

I hurry through and Penny's stood staring at me, the situation was obviously pretty clear from the moment the door opened that I was here so why isn't she saying anything?!

"Sorry Penny, he didn't give me a chance" Declan mutters from behind me.

"No it's fine babe" she says smiling at him. Is she intentionally trying to piss me off even more!

He walks over and sits on the stool behind her so she's stood directly in front of him as if he's about to grab her waist but he doesn't and that's a very very very wise move because I wouldn't be held accountable for my actions.

"Jamie, why are you here?"

"I came to sort out my relationship!!" I snap at her.

"Nothing else needs to be said for the time being."

"Baby, I really think it does" I reply and I realise Declan has his eyes all over me and I soon realise I don't want to give him the satisfaction of listening to this.
"Declan can you give us a minute please" I say as nicely as I can but before he can stand Penny steps in.

"No, he can stay. Declan, stay please" she says grabbing his arm and I feel like my worlds collapsing around me.

"Penny please don't do this" I say but it's almost a plea.

"Jamie your responsible for all of this" she says waving her hand around inferring the situation that we are in.

I almost feel like it's my queue to leave but I'm not backing down.

"Okay. I'll have this conversation in front of you. However, I would appreciate next time if my girlfriend is upset that you didn't try to act like you're being a good friend when in reality you're trying to make a move on her. Yes, I am a man I do know how this shit works"

"Your girlfriends upset because of you bro" he says sarcastically back to me. How dare he comment right now.

"Are you fucking serious? This has fuck all to do with you so stay the fuck out of my business!!!" I bark at him.
I see the shock on Penny's face and I don't want this to become an argument between Declan and I but he's testing my patience right now.

Declan throws his hands up and exits the room but this time Penny doesn't stop him. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry baby, you mean the world to me. I'd never betray you! The things I said I didn't mean they mean nothing."
She pushes me of her and again I'm left hurt.

"I never wanted this Jamie, I just need time and right now I'm not getting that. Please I love you and you're only making this worse for the both of us" she says looking up to me and I just collapse onto the stool holding my head in my hands thinking you've fucked up this time Dornan.
Just her saying I love you means the world to me though.

The feeling-A Jamie Dornan fanfic (UNDER EDITING) I cringe when I read it. Where stories live. Discover now