Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 1

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*Tae's POV*

It broke my see her like this....

A month has passed since Park Jimin decided to leave us. Going back to his hometown. Searching for his parents and even himself.

"(Y/n)...." i called her, knocking on her door, gently.
No answer.
I sigh, sadly looking down on the tray of food i had prepared for her.

She gave up on eating. Only feasting on water and sometimes just a piece of bread. I advised her to eat a proper meal, but all she could say was that she no longer has the stomach for it.

"(Y/n)....please...i got food for you. It's your favourite....waffles with cinnamon on top. Tried cutting out heart shaped waffles but it end up looking like two turtles mating with each other, thou...."

Then, i heard a faint distant laugh on the other side of the door.

I smiled. Kind of hoping she would just softened back her once marshmallowy heart and opened the door.

I heard slow light footsteps approaching the door. Quickly straightening my back and proudly held the tray in front of me.

Finally, (y/n) opens the door; revealing the sight that just shatters my heart;
Her cheeks no longer seem round like before, her eyes seemed a bit more sunken and dark.
Lips no longer the right colour as now it seemed more pale and dry.

"(Y/n) are you feeling, baby?"
She smiled, forcibly. Tucking a strand of hair behind one ear as her eyes falls to the floor.
"I look like crap, don't i?"

I stared at her, making my almond shaped eyes looked as round and as cutesy as possible. Blinking a couple times.

I quickly handed her the tray, made her taking it to free my hands so that i could gently cup her face and bring myself towards her. Planting a soft slow kiss, teasing with my tongue a little onto her dry lips.

"You don't look like crap at all, (y/n). You still look as beautiful as the first night i saw you when you appeared in front of my door." I smile, sweetly.

Shy, (y/n) hid her smile as she looked down on the food. Pausing her gaze onto my excellent baked masterpiece.
"Yeah, they sorta do look like turtles having sex...."

Finally, i got her to come down and eat at the dinner table. We sat facing each other and i gaze on while she eats.

"Aren't you eating?" She asked.
"No, but if i do eat; this will be the 11th time. And it aint even dinner yet 😰."
She let out a chuckle before kicking me lightly under the table.

"Hey..." i start.
"Let's go out tonight?" I suggested, giddy.
"Where even?" Biting down on the mating male turtle's head, she asked.

"Hmmm....I'll surprise you."

That night, I drove into the hills. Quite a long drive thou, but worth it. Bringing my favourite girl to my favourite place. It was a sanctuary for me ever since i was little. Use to go there with my best friend, whom i have lost contact with.

The place was nice. Nothing fancy. Practically almost at the edge of the hill, overlooking the entire city. Only accompanied by a few lights from the side of the narrow street; the stars look glorious, bringing their best glittering self forward.

I parked, carefully helping poor little blind-folded up (y/n) out of the car. Sitting her on the grass before i take my seat next to her.

"Tae, where are we?" Nervous, she asked. Probably sensing the disconnection from the buzzing world around her.
Gently, i unravel the blind fold from her. Getting a little excited to see her reaction.

She freaked.
"T-Tae...where are we....!!??"

Shoot. I forgot that she was afraid of heights..... AND the darkness.

Good job, Taehyung. What a way to swoon the ladies by bringing her face to face with her ultimate fears.
I tried to act quick; i hurriedly brought myself even closer to her. Throwing my arms around her, trying to make her believe that nothing here will hurt her as long as i was near.

"'re with me now."
"Where is this place?" She asked, tries her best to calm herself down as she slips her own arms around me.
"Syontu Hills. It's where i use to come when i was a kid with my old best friend back then." I explained, reminiscing.

(Y/n) seemed more comfortable now after i massaged up and down her arm, rubbing away the nerves that built up before. With that, i thought to myself;

'So....this is what it feels like to be in a real relationship? i too quick to judge?'

To be honest, I'm NEVER like this with any other girls. I mean i've dated before and may have pasts relationships but...i don't know...i seem to...i feel like whenever i'm around (y/n), i seem to care more, give more and feel more....

I wasn't quite sure...on whether if i had reached the beginning of maturity.... or was this actually real love?
The slight realization sort of shook me a little. Leaving traces of fear in my mind. The fear of whether or not she feels the same way towards me.

Amidst the darkness, i gaze down on her. Who seem to be lost in her own thoughts as well.
I decided to break the silence.
"What are you thinking about, (y/n)?" Still having her in an embrace.

Oh, god. Just saying her name sometimes provoked the butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know, Taehyung. My mind is just not here anymore. I'm just.... i keep thinking about him."

Instantly after hearing that, my heart dropped. Felt like little pieces of it just flaking itself away.

"Like, what is he doing....? How is he feeling....? How is he coping....? A lot actually." She continued.
I took my hand up and let it caressed her cold hair.
"I'm sure he's fine."

Ever since that day he left, i tried my best not to even mention Jimin or anything related to that matter. I may have way more questions to ask but i never bring it up nor wanting a discussion about it with (y/n). I will only agree into that discussion if she, herself, wants to talk about it.
For the time being, I only focused on the fact that i needed to be there for her. That I needed to make sure that she is not alone in this. That i am here for her.

I caught her starring into space, as if about to be sucked into that dark place once again. I quickly said,
Slightly startled, she looked up at me. Eyes glimmer so brightly than the stars above us.

"I'm here. You know that, right?"
A smiled resurfaced. Bits of hope restored into her once dark gaze.

"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Taehyung." Sealing it with her sweet lips burying itself deeply into mine.

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now