Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 23

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*Tae's POV*

She cried, all the way back to the house.
And when we finally reached there, i went straight in, heading towards the guest room upstairs.

"Taehyung?" I heard Jimin called as i passed him in the kitchen.

*Jimin's POV*

After seeing Tae stormed into house and making his way upstairs like that, i found (y/n) entering the house after him. Crying her eyes out.
I dropped whatever i was doing and walked up towards her.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, placing my arms around her.
"Taehyung is leaving us....!" She whimpered, crying even harder against my chests.


*Taehyung's POV*

While i was packing my stuff, i heard heavy footsteps coming near the room i was in before the door slammed itself opened.


Reluctantly turned around to face him, Jimin start,
"Taehyung what is this?"

Not even responding to him, i dug my hands into my pocket. Taking it out as i presented it inside my palm.

"She's all yours, Jimin. I can't do it." Walking over to the door, i closed and locked it.

"What do you mean?" he asked again.
"Jimin....i love her to death. But...i can't take care of her. I can't be her husband. Not with the way I'm living."

Jimin stayed quiet, keeping his depressing gaze on me as he still had the ring in his grip.
"Jimin...all these know me. You know what i do for a living. You know it all, my secrets. I only tell you because i trust you and you were more than just a best friend to me, Jimin.
You knew me way better than (y/n). You know the consequences of it if i ever proceed having a family with her. I can't." I said.

"You're just doing this because you don't believe in getting married..." solemnly, Jimin accused. Slowly looking away.
"No, Jimin." I stopped, getting closer to him.
Standing a couple of feet away, i continued,

"I swear....that door....that i have kept closed and locked for years since my dad left me and my family....that door....well....the locks began loosening up. The was finally left ajar."

"What are you saying, Taehyung?" Jimin whispered, eyes slightly glistening up.
"I'm saying that....i was considering to asked (y/n) to marry me...but then, the voices in my head kept reminding me of.... of what i do for a living.
What i have done in the past.
What i will be doing in the future. This...Jimin, this will never go away. It will always haunt me. It might as well haunt her, too. For the rest of my life. For the rest of our lives." I said, blinked once before my eyes couldn't hold the tears anymore as they rained down my cheeks.

"Taehyung...I'm sure (y/n) will understand your background if you just — "
" — I fucking shot a guy in front of her, Jimin! And she almost lost her mind because of what i did to protect her!!" I cried, balling even harder at the thought of it.

I shook my head, drowned in my tears before adding
"I can't let (y/n) go through that ever again. Even though she says she will understand me....that she will love me regardless. That she will stick by my side no matter what.
But i will never let her go through it again. So, like i said earlier; she's all yours."
Wiping away the tears with the back of my sleeve, i took my bags and luggage before heading out the door.

But stopped right before i let my hand touched the knob; i turned around just to say

"Take care of her, Jimin. You guys were meant for each other. Practically written for each other.
It's in the books. You and her. You and (y/n) were meant to be together. To marry each other. To have a family. Build your home.
Have your own mini Jimins and mini (y/n)s. Tiny versions of yourselves. Running around the house. The backyard. You and (y/n) were meant to grow old together. To raise your 5 kids together. 4 boys and 1 girl, maybe. I mean, that's what i would want."
I stopped as another uncontrollable tear rolled down on one cheek.

Dropping the bags, i walked up to Jimin and gave him the biggest hug i could ever give.
"Goodbye Jimin." I whispered after having to hug him for about a minute. Going back to my bags, i opened the door;

Finding (y/n) standing in my way. Probably heard everything i have said to Jimin.

We both stood there. Face to face. Frozen in the same spot as we both had no idea what to say to each other.

But (y/n) was the one to broke the silence first,
"'re leaving...."
My breathing became rapid by the minute.

"Really leaving...."
Eventually coming closer to me, reaching out a hand towards one of mine.

No, i can't.

Just before she could even touched me, i avoided her before walking pass her.

I can't let her touch me. Not in this situation. Because I know that that was one of my weaknesses.

As i was halfway almost reaching the stairs, i felt a tiny force slamming herself againts my back as she wrapped her slender arms around me. Silently weeping on my back.

Don't, (y/n). You're breaking my heart even more.

My head hung forward.
"(Y/n)....I'm sorry...."

"You can't just leave me like this....!!" Her voice muffled againts my jacket, tightening her grip around me. Never wanting to let go.

I don't either. I never wanted it to happen this way.

But i have to.

(Y/n) soon let go of me before walking around, stopping right in front of me. Looking up, she said
"Tae Tae...." reaching her hand up to my face. Hesitantly letting her softness run across my moist cheek.

Her eyes spoke to me. Wanting me to bend forward to her.
And i did, planting a huge kiss on her sweet lips.

Our last kiss.

She welcomed my tongue with her own while wrapping both arms around my waist again. Both of my hands had let go of the bags as one caressed her face and head while the other lovingly wrapped itself around her back.
Pulling her even deeper into our kiss and embrace.
She tastes so sweet. Everything about her. Just drives me crazy.

And at that moment.... i was sure....that i will never find someone like her in this world ever again;
(Y/n) was one of a kind.

The one that became my first real love i have ever had in my entire life.

And i will never find someone as special as her.

I will never love someone so deeply like how i loved her.

It hurts me so bad that i know i can't have her. Even though i was given the opportunity to.

But my fate wouldn't allow it.
I loved her too much to even let her go through that again.
Once was enough to leave a dent in her soul. I wasn't going to let it hurt her again like that.

Our kiss ended with a slow wet sound. Our eyes opened into each other.

Then I saw her moist lips began to move,
"I love you, Kim Taehyung."

Swallowing back the tears, i replied
"I love you even more, (full y/n). And i will never stop loving you." Ending it with a deep kiss on her forehead, i proceeded to lift the bags up again.


They both let me leave in peace that night. Letting me take the cab as they were too tired of arguing with me any further about it.

While i sat at the back of the cab, i thought to myself about it;
It was rather ironic, because years before this, Jimin was the one leaving me and (y/n). Going back to his hometown to find himself and fight his demons. Promising to reunite with us in the future.
And now...the same fate falls upon me.
It was my turn to head back to where i came from. Battle with my own demons while i work hard to leave my previous job.

I need out.

I know this might not even be worth it.
But i have to try and quit.
Yes, they will find me in the future. Trying to pull me back in hell. But i, at least, have to give it a go.

At least, this time, i won't be hurting anyone else around me.
This time, I'll make sure I'll be the only one that is scarred. No one else will be there with me.
And I'm fine with that.

Yes, my previous state was somewhat similar to Jimin's from a few years ago.

The only difference is that i will never come back and reunite with them.

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now