Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 22

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*Tae's POV*

I sat in the car for...i don't long as i could even remember.

I had already arrived at the hospital but stayed locked inside the car, in the parking lot.
Thinking as the tiny box stayed inside my palms. Playing with it, caressing the top half. Sometimes occasionally opening and closing it.

Stop that, you're going to ruin the box. I scolded myself, having Jimin in mind.

How much was it really worth? Suddenly asking myself that question.
I know i have had it with me for years now. But when i first got it, i hadn't even let myself study it any further nor ask Jimin about it as i never had any interest towards it.

All i did with it was kept the ring hidden someplace safe from view. Safe from (y/n)...and even me.

My iPhone abruptly rang as a text message came in.

Babe: Tae Tae?? Where are you??

I immediately swipe open to reply,

You: I'm in the car. At the parking lot.

Waited for a while for her response. As i did, i placed my fingers against my lips, playing with it while the second text came in.

Babe: oh, do you want to go home already?
You: no, no. Its fine. Take your time. I just needed some air.
Babe: you okay, Taehyung?

Taking my time to tap in a reply, i sometimes tapped in a full sentence then backspacing. Few times.

Just give the ring to Jimin....!

But....i love (y/n).
I don't want to let go of her.
I don't want to lose her. can't take care of her, Taehyung. Given with your history and your current position, it's impossible to even start a new life....especially with (y/n).

My eyes began to sting but i shoved it aside. Manning up against myself as i sniff into my nose hard. Forcing back the tears.

Even if you do quit your job, it will still haunt you for the rest of your life.
Imagine having to already marry her, as she whips up your breakfast for you one morning and all of a sudden 'they' catch up on you and your past. Barging into your home that you shared with her. Causing riot in the atmosphere.

Unintentionally letting (y/n) experience the same choas that you never want her to go through....

.....just like that night you decided to bury a few bullets in a man's skull right in front of her.

And did you see what you have done to (y/n)? Did you see what this has caused you?

Half of her sanity.

And you were damn lucky that Jimin decided to give (y/n) a call at the time. Unconsciously helping you as he lightens up that type of burden. Helping (y/n) cope a little with the mistakes that you have made.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as i knew what i had to do.

My head fell forward on the stirring, couldn't held up my own head as the realization began to kick in.

As i was about to reply her text, she probably waited for too long and decided to call me.
Seeing (y/n) starring back at me with those eyes that once glimmer so brightly alongside her beautiful smile shone within my screen.

Reluctantly, i answered her

"Taehyung~ are you okay?" I heard her voice asked me over the line.

"I...i, uh....i need to talk to you. Is Jimin around?" I asked her, making sure that he wasn't nearby.

"No, he went to the Men's. We're going to come down later. We'll talk then, okay? You're down at the parking lot right now, is it?" (Y/n) asked over the phone.


That night after we got home back to Jimin's house, i stole (y/n) and took her away somewhere far. Jimin said nothing when we went out just the two of us.
I found a great spot. We were in a different town but it was pretty quiet. We hung out in this nearly empty park that had old fall trees scattered around.

I brought her towards a huge old fountain that has been dried up and had tons of dead leaves, replacing what was once occupied by serenely clear water.

"(Y/n)..." with such heavy hesitance, i begin.
She didn't say anything but looked over at me.
Averting my eyes away from her, i looked down.

"Can you be honest with me?" I asked, almost whispering.
"Sure, Taehyung. What is it that you want me to be honest about?" Sweetly, she answered. Coming a little closer to me. Slightly eager to hear what i had to say next.

"If you had to choose....who will it be?" Getting straight to the point, I asked.
Slowly meeting my gaze with (y/n), seeing the uncertainty in her eyes as she blinked once.

"What do you mean....?" (Y/n) asked back.

"Marriage. I know it's what you've always wanted. Am i wrong?" smiling melancholicly as my heart began tearing itself apart.

I have to do it.

"Tae...where is this coming fro — "

My heart couldn't hold it in any longer as my eyes began to stain, i cut her off

" — (y/n), just tell me now so that we can get it over with!"

I had to be cold.

Keeping quiet at first, (y/n) was adamant in sealing her quivering lips. She soon responded

"Why are you suddenly talking about marriage, Taehyung? We're all still youn — "

" — But, (y/n), we can't stay young forever. Tell me now; who is it going to be?"

*Your POV*

To be honest....i don't know myself.

They both are so equally special to me.
They both make me fell in love with their own individual personalities.
They both make me feel loved in their own special way.

I can't just picked one.

I hate to admit it, but Taehyung is right;
I'll have to eventually choose between them both.

And he's also right about another thing; marriage. I've always wanted one since i was a little girl. To find that one Prince Charming and have a beautiful love ceremony that'll tie us together for the rest of our lives.

I stayed quiet. Having zero idea on what to do or say to his blunt question.

It's not that simple 😖

I was pressured, ended up saying to him
"I wanna go home." Before confiscating the keys from him, got up from the spot where i was sitting and walked away from him as i proceeded towards the car.

The car let out a bright tune as i clicked it opened. When i was about to walked over at the other side of the car to get in, a hand grasp at my wrist.

Turning me around to face him as my hair flipped over my face due the slight aggression.
"What is it,Taehyung?!" I screamed. Eventually feeling a little guilty for it as i saw his moist cheeks and crunched up face.

"Jimin...." He said.


"I think it's best...if you choose Jimin." Looking defeated, he slowly let go of me.

"Taehyung, stop." I said as i tried leaving again but he ended up grabbing my shoulders and pinned me against the car.

Bringing his face closer to mine before saying those horrid words i never expected him to say.

"We're breaking up."

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now