Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 14

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*Jimin's POV*

The elevator door slowly opened, letting me out as i walked along the hallways. Picking speed as i go. Worries keep building up as i get closer to eomma's location.

As i had reached to her ward, my heart slowly began to return to it's normal pace as my eyes rest on mother's peaceful sleeping self with the heart monitor beeping in the background, ressuring me.

Dropping my stuff on the armchair just opposite the bed, i walked towards mother. Resting myself on the edge of her sickbed.

My eyes observed her slowly breathing, having her mouth slightly opened as they had to put something in it for her to breathe smoothly.

Little by little, my heart broke. Seeing dear mother in a sad state like this.
I gently placed my hand over hers, rubbing it tenderly with my thumb.

Suddenly, my tummy began rumbling, twisting around in painful knots. I got up and left to head to the nearest loo as the one in mother's ward had no water.

As i was on my way down the hall, i instinctively got my iPhone out and checked it. Debating wether or not i should call them later.
After completing my duty, i stood before the large wide mirror above the sinks, starring into my own reflection. Reflecting on what has been happening with my life.

One second it was all normal, the changed. Started off with one simple mistake...then escalated into something that i can no longer took charge of.

Why am i remembering this? It is in the past and it should stay there. I can't turn back time and change it, even thou i badly wanted to.
Now, there is nothing that i can do apart from moving on and change.
Change what has made me weak in the first place. The self-harm. The self-hatred. The demons. I needed to change that. And, so far...i have succeeded in overcoming two of those.

The demons. I can still feel them. Somewhere within me.
It's's just that i have spent half of my life keeping them locked away. As far away from me as possible.
I mean, I could have kicked them out,'s that never easy. They'll always end up coming back. Haunting me.
It's all just a matter of choices. Either i throw away the keys....or keep them safe from view.
I presented my phone before me and then unlocked it. Tapping onto the call log icon then instantly seeing her nickname on top.

Pressing call, i brought my phone near my ear as i went out of the men's loo.
As i walked into the same hall, heading back towards mother's ward, i waited for the voice behind the ringing.

Simultaneously, when i entered the ward, her voice came on the other line.

" Jimiin~!"

Literally, it took me by the surprise. The contrast in her voice compared to the previous call i had with her was a far cry.

"Oh...(y/n)...! You sound much better now. How are you feeling...?" I asked, a slow grin spreading across my face as i had my back towards my sleeping mother. Walking to the window before adjusting the blinds.

"Better....Jimin, i have news for you~!"

News? My eyes blinked a few times after that as my mouth slightly opened to let out inaudible sounds.

Has Tae popped the question already? I thought.

" What is it?" I asked, anticipating for her next line of words. Rapid heartbeats causing tiny waves under my shirt before hearing a response

"We'recomingtoBusaannn....!!!" I heard a familiar male voice in the background. Talking so fast and in an almost high pitched voice that nearly cracked. Purposely seizing the attention away from (y/n).
"I was supposed to say that, Tae! " (y/n) scolded him, sounding a little farther away from her phone.
I let out a faint giggle, finding this fuzzy moment amusing and unbelievable at the same time.

They're coming to Korea....? Finally, i thought. Although still having some shred of doubt clinging at the back of my mind. But despite that, i said

"H-what...?? That...that sounds awesome, you guys. I can't wait for you and Taehyung to — "

Amidst the entire excitement of having both the people i love most coming to visit me, i felt something was off. Way off.

Something was not right.

Something from behind me.

What was that noise? That continuous, never- ending beeping noise?

Wasn't it supposed to be moderately length beeping sounds after another?

Slowly, i turned around....

Laying my eyes on my still sleeping mother as i realized that the continuous beeping sound came from her heart monitor.

"Eomma.....?" My hand that held my iPhone slowly went down to my side.

And then, it hit me;

"Eomma....?!?!?!" I shouted, unconsciously dropping the phone to the floor as i ran towards mother.

Her heart stopped.

Searching for the tiny two-button remote, i pressed hard into it. Calling for the nurses.

I roughly threw the remote away as i turned my attention back to her, eyes stinging with moisture.

"Eomma.....hang in there. Please~~~!!" I cried, gently placing my cold white hand against one of mother's chilling cheeks.

"Eomma....don't leave me..... don'!!"

I said, laying my eyes on her peaceful features before the ward was completely raided by nurses and a couple of doctors.

*Your POV*

"Hello? Jimin?"

The last thing i heard before we got disconnected was of him screaming mother's name.
At first his tone seem slow...the second it sounded frighteningly high. As if Jimin was screaming at the top of his lungs for his

"Eomma....?" I uttered, starring blankly into my iPhone.

"Why? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked, driving the car as we head towards the airport.

"I don't know. But i heard him screaming his mother's name at the end...." unsure of exactly what i had heard, i answered.

For some reason, Tae took it as a signal; as if by command, he pressed harder onto the gas paddle and drove even faster. Rebelling against the red lights and taking sharp turns. And before i even knew it, the large entrance of the international airport appeared right before me.

Taehyung quickly clicked his seat belt off, turning to me and said

"We really need to get to Jimin as soon as possible. Let's go."

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now