Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 2

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*Your POV*

At that moment, i felt safe. Buried in his embrace eventhou the pain clung tightly at the back of mind.

I tasted him as we both wrapped each other in an intimate hug, not ever wanting to let go. The almost 2-minute session ended and i began gazing into those beautiful crafted eyes of his.

There was something about those eyes that i absolutely can't get enough of.

Taehyung...i don't know how to described it. The feelings he gave me. Whenever we have any intimate moment such as this, it felt...different. It felt....more magical, i guess.
It was like the way he made me feel, was a little different from how i had it with Jimin.
No offence, but both Jimin and Taehyung have unique special qualities in them. Both have a way in making someone fall in love with their own soul.

Jimin was the delicate one. He seems rough on the outside, but on the inside; he was as gentle and as fragile as a feather. Something about his soul that made me wanted to just hold it in my palm, whisper cute stuff to it and keep it in my pocket.

Whereas Taehyung, he was a bit weird — okay, A LOT weird. His wackiness. His randomness. His rough side. Great at seducing you whenever he wants to but also great at ruining the moment too. How's that even possible though? Like, you're the mood-maker but you also knew exactly how to ruin it as well 😓

I wanted to ask him. I wanted to talk about what had happened between me and him that night we came back from the hospital.

"...what do you think of me?"

"Hmm?" His brows lifted, slightly.
Our faces were still a couple of inches away as we talked.

"Taehyung, remember...that night?"
He kept his silence.

"Do you remember anything from it? Recalling anything...happened between us?" I tried. Hoping for...actually, i didn't know what to hope for from him.

Even if he did remembered, why hasn't he said anything the morning after?
If he didn't remember...well, that'll be kind of impossible since the xxx we had was like crazy alien xxx 😂

*Tae's POV*

"Taehyung, remember...that night?" (Y/n) asked me.

My heart began pumping rapidly. She had her head pretty near to my chest, wasn't sure if she noticed.

"Do you remember anything from it? Recalling anything...happened between us?" She repeated, starring deeply into my eyes, blinked a couple of times.

She remembered?
(Well of course she did, we had like crazy alien xxx that night. How could she even forget the fact that she nearly exploded in her head because of it?? 😂)

The next morning, i only kept quiet because she did. Heck, she even seemed a little off. So i thought i wouldn't bring it up. I thought, maybe she regretted the decision she had made with me the night before.
Although as a guy, it still hurts a think the girl of your dreams hated your first ever time together. I mean, who wouldn't be upset? 😖💔
Somehow, i made it seem like nothing bothered me that morning despite the ache.

But maybe i must have misread her. Maybe she was pissed that morning because i didn't say anything first?
Oh god, i don't know. i may have dated before but to this day, i still can't figure these type of species out.
Why are girls so complicated??

She nudged at me, gently.
I snapped out of it.

"Uh...yeah...of course i remembered, babe." I smiled, quickly gave her a peck on the forehead.
"Then why didn't you say anything the morning after, Tae?"

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now