Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 4

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*Jimin's POV*

I arrived at my hometown, booked a hotel for the night.
Aahh...a bed. Finally~! I said to myself as i entered the room, seeing a large white bed waiting for me.

I let myself fall on it, slightly bouncing a couple of times.
I rolled around, laying on my back starring at the ceiling as her face kept appearing in my vision.

"(Y/n)...." i whispered to myself.

No. I shook my head. Trying my hardest to regain back my senses and focused on the mission.
I sat up and got myself ready for bed. Couldn't wait for the 'adventure ' that i had signed up for tomorrow.

Are they still there? At the same house? Or have they moved out?


"You need help?" The driver said as he saw the crutches.
"No, no I'm good. Thank you, sir."  I smiled.
The taxi stopped right in front of the familiar house. I got out after paying, still figuring out if this was a good idea or otherwise.

Too late to back out now, huh? You've travel pretty far, already at the front steps...why not go for it?

I clenched and unclenched my fists. Trying to relax myself, letting out a long sigh before reluctantly putting my good leg forward.

I knocked on the door.

Waited for about 2 minutes and my heart literally jumped as the sound of the knob clicked.

Then, an old women appeared. Wearing a worn out shade of brown jumper over a white buttoned up shirt and knee length skirt.

As soon as she saw me, she took a good look and her expression changed drastically.
"Eomma...." i uttered.

She gasps,
"Chimin...!!!" Automatically pulling me into a tight embrace.

I was...surprised. Shocked that she seemed overwhelmingly joyous to see me again, this time as a grown man.

No words could described the feelings and emotion i went through at that moment.
Was this really the deadbeat mother that i had remembered neglecting me years ago??

"Chimin, where have you been in eomma's life?? Where did you disappeared to, son?? Oh, what happened to you??" She couldn't control her happiness. Couldn't stop talking and did not even stop to catch her breath.

Along while she talked and sort of going on and on of how rude it was for me to run away like that and did not come home, she kept caressing my face and combing my hair with her fingers, seemingly trying to change my hairstyle by placing my bangs to the sides.

Apart from that and clearly noticing the crutches, she showered me completely with questions on how i got myself in them. how a mother would do.

The feelings were awkward as i was always use to sharing someone else's mother. I have never felt my actual mother to be caring for me like this, let alone to scolding me with such love like i was her kid.

But i AM her kid.

For some reason, i didn't recognized her that well.
Come on, Jimin. It's been a decade, of course things have changed. Everything has changed. Me, our relationship... my mother.
She was definitely not who she was 10 years ago.
10 years ago, in all aspects, she was abusive. A drunkard.
My father, however, pretty much the same only 5 times worse; cheats on mother, gambling, cowardness, anything to described the epitome of a shitty dad.

"Come! Come in. Don't act like a stranger in your own home, silly!" My mother tugged onto my arm, pulling me into the house.

I roamed around the house, slowly with uncertainty.
The living room, the small hallways that use to seem so big to me were now tiny as i had gotten older apart from the fact that i haven't been here for 10 years.

I went upstairs, carefully with my third leg. Climbing up, ignoring the little shots of pain in my bad leg.
As i had finally reached the top, i gazed down into the hall that lead to my room and another room.

My old room was at the far end of the hall.
The door...look quite ancient. I lifted my hand to touch the knob...holding back at first...but soon took the risk and twisted it open.
I slowly pushed the door in, the smell...the familiar homey smell that had escaped from the old untouched room brought back both good and bad memories.

Clean, was the first thing that had came into my mind as i slowly went in.

"Eomma missed you..." i heard my mother said, standing behind me just outside the door, smiling sweetly at me.
"I cleaned your room everyday. I even went through your tshirt drawers, smelling the scent." Mother added, her smile still shining so bright. Her eyes disappeared like how mine would when i smile ☺

I didn't know what i was feeling at that moment. I couldn't even identify with it, that all i could potrayed through my expression was blankness.

I turned my attention to my room. To the surroundings.
My tiny trophies, my tiny bronze and silver medals for all the sports i had won. Picture frames that still stood on my small study table, some still hung on the wall above my bed. The bed that could probably only support my upper body now. I walked a little to the side, ahhh...those blue striped flip flops i use to wear.

I walked even further to the side of the bed, trying to get a closer look at the three frames that was hung in a V shape above my bed; top left was younger looking Eomma...bottom middle was little right was....

"Appa..." i murmured, touching the frame of my father.
"Where is he?" I asked, turning to look over at Mother.

At that exact moment after i asked, my mother's face dropped. Her facial expression changed drastically. She let her eyes fall on the floor for a really long time before she answered me;

"Appa...appa is gone."


Eomma nodded slightly,
"Two years already...." mother's voice trailed off as she began sobbing.

As shocked as i was, i made an effort to walk over to her and hugged her. Letting mother's head seeped into my chest as she sobs away, staining my shirt with her mournful tears.

My father. My once deadbeat father. Was now gone. And i didn't even get the chance to see him.

"You came two years too late, Park Chimin....!!" She cried, sobbing harder as her face was still buried within my chest.

"I'm sorry, Eomma. Appa....I'm sorry." I muttered, soon drowning in my own tears. I then kissed the top of my mother's head as i caress her back, trying to hopelessly rub away the sadness she had to endure for two years coping with the absence of my late father.

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now