Sacrifice Part II: Chapter 7

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*Jimin's POV*

That evening, my mother fixed me a favourable warm homey dinner i haven't had in years; braised pork with duck broth at the sides. Along with some other vegetables.

"Eomma...anyone else joining us for dinner?" I asked, setting one set of plates and chopsticks with soup spoons.
"No, Chiminie. Why you ask?"

I let out a faint laugh before teasing her,
"Well yeah you cook for like 5 people here, eomma~!"
"Aiisyyy...i haven't been using these ingredients for a while. I really need to cook them now before they spoil. Now shut your mouth and eat~~" she scolded me, in a cute motherly way, swinging the spatula in the air as she did.

I couldn't help but to annoy my mother even more as an uncontrollable laugh bursts out from me.
"Yaa~ eomma~ I'll still be here for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. We can save up to cook for those days, eomma~~!" I continued to tease her.

" talk too much sometimes. Just like your late father~~" she said, still having her back on me as she stirred the broth portioned for 5 invincible people.

We both sat down, finally. Having our first meal together as a family... although missing only one more person on the table. Having only a small picture frame on the table, placed right beside the vase, representing my late father.

"Eh...where is that girl?"

"Mwo?" Feeding myself another of the rice before adding some broth into my small bowl.
"What's her name again.....ah, (y/n)?"

I didn't know why, but my heart skipped a beat when mother said her name. I know it's a little cliche' to be saying such things but my heart really did jumped when my own mother mentioned her to me.

"Where is she now? She didn't come along with you?"

It took me a while to even talk about her. Here's me thinking i could have escaped the thought of her. In the end, my own eomma was the first to mentioned her name to me.
I stalled a little, asking her to pass a tissue.
My mother ended up repeating the same question as she hands it over to me.

I cleared my throat before responding,
"Uh...she's still back in the States."

She couldn't stop afterwards,
"Oh? Why didn't she come along? I miss her. She is really nice. I like her. She's suitable for you. Have you asked her to marry you yet, Chimin? You cannot let someone like her to pass by you like that. She is gold. I may have spent my lifetime getting drunk, but eomma knows and remembers (y/n) very well. Chimin, do you remember that time she took care of me when i passed out in the kitchen?"

Staying quiet the whole time she said all of those until i added,
"She came into the kitchen, looking for me at first...then she calls the ambulance and stuck by your side the entire time. "

Eomma seems to adore (y/n) so how i adore her as well....suddenly remembering all these memories as a kid that i had spent with her.

(Y/n) was the first friend i had made in kindergarten. She was the first to came up to me and basically forced me to have lunch with her. Sharing her food with me.
She knew how my life was like and she never judges me nor my parents for their behavior.

It was very easy to judge someone for their mistakes and never even tried to learn the real reason of how they ended up like that in the first place.

But very rare for someone to know your mistakes, actually knowing the cause behind those pain and would still stuck by your side no matter what.
I had that with (y/n) one else understood my situation better than her.
My past mistakes began raining into my mind after that.

Sacrifice: Part II [Kim Taehyung※You※Park Jimin Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now