When did she get so beautiful?

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  Summer 1996

Katherine's P.O.V

The Winchesters are coming over again this week to celebrate my 13th birthday and I'm looking forward to seeing Sam, Dean not so much. I don't know why we just never really got along, I feel like he hates me. Sam however is like my little brother. We are complete opposites in personality but I think that's why we get along so well. I'm also looking forward to seeing Uncle John. I haven't seen the guys in nearly a year because John is always on a hunt. Yes I know about the supernatural. It was kind of hard to keep it from me with all the books about lore and things, then there was the whole hunters always visiting dad for help thing. I was bound to find out eventually. I started training when I turned 10 so I know how to look after myself although I still have a way to go before I'm aloud to hunt. The man with the yellow eyes visits became less and less frequent as I grew older although it terrified me none the less. He never spoke, never even moved, just stared and smiled. I don't know who he is. I don't want to tell anyone about it mostly because he told me not to and I'm scared of what he'll do if I do but it's also because I don't want them to think I'm crazy, no one else seems to see him so I must be. I close my eyes as the panic starts to claw it's way up my throat. Breathe that's all you have to do.

"What you daydreaming about little lady?" Dad's voice makes me squeal in surprise and he lets out a chuckle.

"Dad! And nothing just sort of zoned out I guess"I smile innocently at him and he cocks an eyebrow clearly not believing me but when he go's to opens his mouth, the front door opens and Dean, Sam, and John walk in with smiling faces. I leap up from the sofa and launch myself at Sam.

"It's been to long moose" I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe in his familiar scent. "I've missed you guys." I release Sam and turn to John who already has is arms open and a large grin on his face. I laugh and walk into them.

"Hey princess how you been?" His rough voice vibrates through him and I feel it on my cheek. I pull away and smile looking over at Dean and give him a small nod which he returned. That's the most contact we give each other unless we have to talk.

"I'm good John, I finally learnt the exorcism off by heart." I say. That's what he means when he asks how I've been. It's an update on my progress. I have to be a solider.

"That's my girl!" He smiles proudly at me and I giggle in return. Dean glares at the side of my face but what's new?. Sam and Dean both say hey to Bobby and then dad turns to me.

"Hey guys shall we start at baking the cake?" He asks and although he says guys I know he only means me. They're all useless at stuff like that.

"Yeah dad, I'll get started. Chocolate right?" I ask and earn an approving nod from all four guys in the room " well I'll be in the kitchen if you need me but don't disturb or I'll kick your ass" John and Bobby chuckled whereas Sam gave a smile, Dean remained emotionless.
I wondered into the kitchen and collected what I needed to make the cake when I heard a noise behind me, I spun around and saw Dean standing there looking sheepish.

"Uhh dad told me to help with the uhh cake.."He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided eye contact. I smiled in full knowledge that he couldn't see me.

" Well thanks I guess, you could start by putting the ingredients in the bowl?" he looked up and smiled almost relieved that I didn't reject him then did as I asked. It was silent for a while so I decided for small talk. "So Dean, how you been?" I asked nervously, Seriously? Out of all the things I could say, that was what slipped out my mouth?. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow showing me that he knew I was trying to make small talk.

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