Croatoan-Lucky hes pretty

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A/N: So.....It's been a while guys. I can't lie, I lost a lot of inspiration for this book, life also got in the way and I just forgot about this entirely. It was only that recently I started to think about this book and I really miss it. I'm really happy in my life at the moment, I've got an amazing boyfriend that I've been with for a year now and I just started a new job at a law firm which I'm in love with so far, everything is good so I feel better about coming back to this book. I'm sorry that I've neglected this, and I'm sorry for those of you who have missed this book. I thank you all for the kind words and comments that you have sent my way over the past year. I hope I can start to update this more.

For those of you who are still interested in this book, I hope you enjoy the update :)

Confusion clouded my mind as I opened my eyes to a dark room and an empty bed. Since finding out about his father, Dean hadn't quite been the same. He had become distant, more with me than anything. I couldn't really blame him, I knew he was still angry, I was just at a loss on how to fix it. Every night we went to bed together but by morning, he was no longer there. He'd tell me he just woke up early, or he wasn't that tired, but I had woken on more than one occasion to find him sleeping on the couch.

Heavy breathing snapped me out of my thoughts and I suddenly recalled what it was that had woken me up. Turning my head, I saw Sam thrashing on the floor beside his bed, grimacing in pain. "Sam?" I called as I threw my covers off me and jumped out of bed. Just as I did so, the front door opened and Dean strolled in chewing on jerky and carrying a six-pack of beer. I paused as Sam sat up, panting, his eyes searching the floor in front of him erratically.

"Sam?" Dean asked, looking to me for answers. I shrugged in confusion and crouched down in front of the younger Winchester, my hand coming up to rest on his shoulder gently.

"Sammy, what happened?" I questioned softly. Dean dumped the stuff on the table and came to stand behind me, looking down to his baby brother in concern. "Was it another vision?"

"We need to go." He replied through gritted teeth. I looked up in Dean in alarm as Sam threw himself off the floor and started to grab all our things. He wasn't given us any chance to argue so I just did as I was told and got dressed as fast as I could.


The early morning light was just beginning to show as the impala sped down the highway. The annoying voice of the GPS on Sam's phone was directing Dean on where to go. The vision that Sam had had wasn't really explained but from what I gathered, Sam had saw Dean shoot someone in the head.

"There are only two towns in the US named Rivergrove." Sam spoke up.

"How come you're so sure it's the one in Oregon?" I asked, pushing my head forward to rest it on the seat between them.

Sam looked down as if remembering something."There was a picture. Crater Lake."

"Okay, what else?" Dean prompted.

"I saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair." Sam recalled.

Dean nodded and then tilted his head slightly in confusion. "And I ventilated him?"

"Yeah. You thought there was something inside him."

"What, a demon? Was he possessed?" I inquired. There must have been a reason, Dean wouldn't just shoot an innocent dude.

"I don't know."Sam answered, shaking his head slightly.

"Well, all your weirdo visions are always tied to the Yellow-Eyed Demon somehow . . . so was there any black smoke? Did we try to exorcise it?" Dean pushed.

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