No Exit-Hold your breath

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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to let you now what I was planning with this book and its continuation because I do want to do every season. I can't however put that all into one book. So, I've decided that I'm going to do two seasons per book. Like this one is season 1&2, then there will be another for 3&4 and so on. I understand that not everyone likes having different books but I want to make this into a series and I hope you can stick around for the journey but if not, I get it.

P.S. Let's see if we can spot the scene from another show in this chapter!!

Maybe slight trigger warning for panic attacks. Please read at your own risk and message me if reading it causes problems or if you just need someone to talk to <3

Katherine's P.O.V

The first thing I was aware of was the throbbing in my skull. I groaned as I raised my hand to touch it but was restricted when it hit something hard. Instantly, I remembered what had happened. I remembered seeing the black goo leak through the wall before me and the sickly grey hand that reached out to grab me before everything went black. Breathing heavily, I trailed my hand down my body and let out a sigh of relief when my fingers gripped the cool surface of my flashlight, also noticing that my jacket was missing. I switched it on to reveal the wooden box I was trapped in, the walls only a few inches away from my body. The roof of it was covered in long scratches, stained red from the blood. My fingers involuntarily reached up and traced along the deep gouges, curling the tips of them to feel my nails scrape along it. A sob escaped my throat as panicked clawed its way up my body and I covered my mouth, trying to collect myself.

I couldn't help myself if I was in hysterics. I just had to trust that I could get myself out of here or if that failed, that Dean would find me. Taking a deep breath, I started to look around again. To my right was another wooden panel that had a small slit running along the length of it. I shifted my body till I could look out of it, my eyes searching the damp, round chamber I seemed to be trapped in. On the opposite wall to mine, there seemed to be two identical boxes to the one I was in.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called, sounding shaky and scared. My heart plummeted as I pushed my body closer to the wall to try and see out.

"Jo?" I called, my voice hoarse.

"Kat? Oh God." Jo cried out and I could barley see her slender fingers peak out the slit.

"Hey, it'll be okay. I'm gonna get us out of here." I assured her, trying to keep my tone reassuring although I'm sure it shook with fear. Small spaces were never a favorite of mine and I had to focus on my breathing to make sure I didn't trigger a panic attack. The memory that came with places like this was never inviting. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I was just grabbed. What about you?" Jo asked shakily.

"Same." I nodded even though she couldn't see. A loud clunk echoed round the room and I froze, waiting for a moment before daring to speak.

"Is - is anybody there?" A female questioned from the other box, sniffling to hide her sobs. I didn't recognize her voice but guessing from the period of time I think I knew who it was.

"Your name's Teresa?" Jo inquired.

"Yeah." She whimpered. Squinting, I could barely make out her shape but was well aware that she would have the same blonde hair and blue eyes that Jo and I shared. I rolled back onto my back but kept my flashlight on as I continued to try and find a way out, my legs gently kicking out to see if there was anything loose.

"This won't make you feel better, but we're here to rescue you." I shrugged, trying to help in any way I could. But I was never the best when it came to helping people emotionally.

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