Phantom Traveler-Nightmare

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I was running, running through the woods. Darkness surrounded me. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. I could only hear. His footsteps were close behind me; I could feel his breath on my neck. I ran faster. I had to get away. "Help! Please!"I screamed into the night. The only response was a cynical chuckle. My legs are getting tired. I can't do this much longer. I only hope that Sam and Dean are okay, just let them be okay. I didn't care if I didn't make it, but they have to.

"Where do you think you're going pretty lady?"A dark figure spoke before me causing me to come to a sudden halt. I could hear the sound of my heart beating; it was the only sound in the silent forest. "You should know that I'll always find you."He smirked and looked up to reveal pure yellow eyes. He lunged at me and everything went black.

I awoke with a loud scream, sitting bolt upright in my bed. My eyes searched the motel room frantically, looking for anything that seemed off. Sam was coming through the door, his arms filled with bags, but stopped once he heard me scream. Dean shot out of bed, alert and ready. They both calmed down when they saw nothing wrong then looked at me in concern.

"I-I-I'm sorry."I stuttered out. My breathing was still shallow and I couldn't catch my breath. Oh no. I know this feeling all too well. I was having a panic attack. I started to claw at my throat and flung myself out the bed. My legs were unstable though so I ended up crashing into the wall.

"Kat!?"Sam asked, dropping the bags onto the table before rushing over to me. I clung to his jacket as my vision started to blur."Kat, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't....breathe."I wheezed. I pulled myself away from him and crawled into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

"Kat! Come on, Kat! Please. What's happening?"Dean's frantic voice called from the other side of the door, their fists pounding against the wood. "Let us in Kat!...Shit, she's having a panic attack."He said the last part to Sam after realizing the problem. I've had them before and Dean knows how to spot the symptoms and deal with it by now. Unfortunately, not only was I not really aware of what was going on, but I'm also stubborn and I hate when people see me like this so I deal with it on my own.
I didn't bother to strip out of Dean's oversized t-shirt; mostly because I was starting to lose control of my body. I got into the shower and turned it on. Freezing water blasted onto me while I curled up into a ball on the floor. It was getting even harder to breathe. I couldn't focus, I was blacking out. I didn't even notice when the door was being kicked down, not until Dean's face was in front of mine. He didn't waste any time in getting in the shower with me, not bothering to strip either. He took my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Hey, Kat. It's okay. Look at me, okay? Focus on me. Can you do that? Just focus on my voice."He sounded muffled like he was going through a tunnel. In fact, everything sounded distant, like I was there but wasn't at the same time."Come on, Kat. Just breathe. In, out, in. Yeah, just like that Kat. Good, keep doing it princess."I focused on Dean's face and slowly, I was able to drag air into my lungs. I noticed that the water was still cold meaning that he hadn't even changed the temperature as he got in with me."Okay, that's good. SAM GET A TOWEL."He yelled out to Sam, who seconds later entered the bathroom with a white towel.
Dean reached up to turn off the shower before standing up and grabbing the towel from Sam's hands. He wrapped it around my body and lifted me into his arms, carrying me bridal style into the room where he sat me on one of the beds.

"Hey, Kat. You okay? You haven't had a panic attack since we were kids."Sam asked softly. His eyes filled with concern as they searched my face.

"Actually, she has them a lot. Just not as severe as that, not anymore anyway. Mostly after a night-"Dean began to explain then paused, eyes widening."Did you have a nightmare?"He looked at me and I shifted my gaze to the floor.

"It-it wasn't th-that bad. I don't kn-know what hap-hap-happened."I lied. I was still freezing so my teeth were chattering. Dean gave me a look, clearly not believing me, but didn't say anything. Instead, he sat behind me and pulled me to his chest. His large hands started to rub up and down my body."Wh-what are yo-you doi-doing?"

"I'm trying to get you warm Kat. Sam could you get her some dry clothes. Oh, and that coffee you brought."Dean instructed. Sam began to rush around the room, collecting what Dean had asked for.

"But Dean, you-your wet too."I was already starting to warm up from the towel and his hands.

"And I'll sort myself out after. As soon as I know you're okay. Anyway, what time is it?"He asked to no one in particular.

"Uh, five forty-five."Sam replied as he laid the clothes next to me and handed me the coffee. I gratefully wrapped my hands around the scolding cup and sipped it. He sat on the bed in front of us.

"In the morning?"I asked, having warmed up enough to stop shaking. Sam nodded and Dean groaned before getting up to gather dry clothes for himself.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"He questioned.

Sam seemed hesitant to answer."Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours."

Dean called him out on it immediately."Liar, because I was up at three, and you were watching George Foreman infomercial."

"Hey, what can I say?"Sam shrugged, trying to play it off."It's riveting TV."

Dean's reaction didn't change but he turned to me."And what about you, Kat? You gonna tell us what the hell set you off. I haven't seen it that bad since you were 16 and Dad took you to that weird kid area thing where you saw a clown and flipped out."Dean demanded but a hint of humour was evident in his voice as he remembered the memory."

"That clown was scary as shit okay? So don't judge me on that."I tried to joke but when Dean raised an eyebrow, clearly not amused, I sighed. "It was just a nightmare Dean. It's no big deal. I'm sorry I worried you guys but I'm fine now. So drop it."

"But Kat-"Dean began but I cut him off.

"I said drop it Dean!"I hissed. It came out harsher than I intended and before I could apologise, Dean stormed into the bathroom to change. The door couldn't lock anymore and was slightly splintered but still closed. I put my face in my hands, frustrated and scared. I still haven't told either boys about my nightmares of yellow eyes. In fact, I've never told anyone. They don't know about the picture either. I just can't drag them into this. I guess with everything that happened lately, it just played on my mind and caused me to have more vivid nightmares. Yeah, that's what it was. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

"What happened Kat? You looked so scared."Sam whispered after a moment in silence. I looked up at him then straight back down when I saw he had his puppy look. I never could resist that face."Come on, please let me help you. Look, I know it's hard to talk about these nightmares. I know you don't why you have them. And I know you're scared Kat. But I'm here, and I ain't going anywhere. Just let me in."Before I could reply, Dean came out the bathroom fully dressed. He sat down beside me, stealing my coffee from my hands and giving me a wink before drinking it. I pouted but didn't argue. I'll get him back for it later. Sam dropped the conversation but gave me a look telling me it wasn't over. I guess Dean had forgiven me about my mini tantrum and he's ignoring the topic now. I'm grateful for that.

"When was the last time you got a goodnight's sleep?"Dean asked suddenly, directing the question at Sam. Sam's smile faltered and he shifted uncomfortable.

"I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's no big deal."

"Yeah, it kinda is."I stated, concern for him showing on my face.

"Look, I appreciate the concern guys-"He started to say but was cut off by Dean.

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep my ass alive."He started causing me to scoff. Obviously he was joking, trying to lighten the mood the only way he knew how."So, I need you sharp."Sam just shrugged so Dean continued."Seriously, are you still having nightmares about Jess?"Sam sighed but didn't answer."If you are, we need to talk about it. It's bad enough that Kat get's them all the time."I straightened and turned away so he couldn't see the hurt on my face. Did it bother them? I didn't want to be a burden to them. I heard Dean shift."Shit...Kat, I didn't mean it like that."

I shook my head."I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Let's just worry about Sam."I lied, not wanting them to know that it hurt. I was meant to be helping them catty their burdens not have them worry about mine. They were my problems and only mine.

"Hey, not fair. I'm clearly not the only one having nightmares and losing sleep over it, so why does she get a free pass?"Sam asked teasingly, trying to distract us. I raised an eyebrow to show him it wasn't working. He sighed."Okay, I have, but it's not just Jess. It's everything. I just forgot, you know? This, it gets to you."

"You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that."Dean stated.

Sam looked at him as if he had grown three heads."So what? All never keeps you up at night?"Dean shook his head and Sam continued, still not believing him."Never. You're never afraid?"

"No, not really."Dean said. Sam sighed once again, getting up and reaching underneath Dean's pillow. He pulled out a knife."That's not fear, that's precaution."

"Alright, whatever. I'm too tired to argue."Sam sighed and sat at the table. At that moment, Dean's phone rang. I chose then to walk into the bathroom to change, grateful that I could still hear them through the door.

"Hello?...Oh right, yeah, up in Kittaning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back is it?"Dean talked, and I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation. Wait, Kittaning, poltergeist..Why does that sound familiar? I think I worked that job with John and Dean. Yeah, Jerry something was his name."What is it?"Dean continued. I came out the bathroom dressed in one of . Dean had come off the phone and smirked when he saw my top."Isn't that mine?"

"Yeah, but now it's mine."I replied with an innocent smile. Dean instructed us to get ready as we had another job close by. We got there quicker than I thought. Turns out I was right. It's Jerry Panowski. He worked with aeroplanes now which isn't so great. I hated flying, not as much as Dean of course but still enough.

"Thanks for makin' the trip so quick. I ought to be doing you guys a favour, not the other way round."Jerry expressed as he walked us through the construction site to his office. Jerry turned to Sam."Dean and your dad really helped me out."He turned to me as if finally noticing I was there."That can't be...Kate?"He asked with a big smile. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug before pulling back.

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