chapter 3.

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Quickly shutting my car door, and checking the time on my watch. I sprint for the main doors.

It's not that I woke up late, which never happens.I had to drop off Jacks to school, whilst Mason had to drop off Nick. I was late, very late to my counselling session.

I slowly come to a stop as I open the guidance counsellor office. I make my way to the first door, "I'm so sorry." I sigh running a hand by my hair.

Mrs Taylor smiles gently me, I return the favour rushed.

Then I turn my head to Grayson raising his eyebrows at me "Your late Jones"

I take a seat, in my usual spot. "I'm sorry that I had drop off my four year old brother that goes to school twenty five minutes away from here" I drop my bag beside me.

"It's alright dear. Shall we get started?" Mrs Taylor asks us with a small smile.

"What's there to lose?" I sigh, dropping my bag to my feet.

"So tell me what do you two disagree on?" She questions.

"Everything" we chime together, I glare at Grayson who glances at me.

Mrs Taylor's eyes widen in amusement and I roll my eyes.

"I see," she muses. I rub my hands together no longer wanting to be here.

"Grayson, it's true that your very close to the Jones family?"I roll my eyes, god this lady has a death wish.

Grayson nods "I'm friends with Mason and Ryder." he says in a quiet tone. Mrs Taylor nods.

"And you attended the funeral, I assume" Grayson nods, turning his head to look at me briefly.

"Did you get a chance to speck to Rebecca the week of?" he shakes his head.

"I haven't spoken to her all summer, until yesterday" he mutters. "Thought they needed space."

I raise my head looking at Mrs Taylor "Are we done here?" I question, not wanting to continue the conversation at hand.

"Rebecca" Mrs Taylor sighs.

"Are we done here?" I repeat again feeling the room close in and my heart begin to beat faster.

Mrs Taylor leans back in her seat "I suppose so, I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Excellent" I get up grabbing purse quickly and rushing out. My breathing quickening.

"Jones? why did you just brush of the subject about your mom?" Grayson says stepping into line with me as I walk towards my locker.

"Well wouldn't you want to leave if your guidance counsellor constantly asks how your doing about your dead mother?" I question as I turn my head slightly to see Grayson.

"No not really" He mutters

"My thoughts exactly, I'm already having a bad day please don't make any worse" I beg gently, sucking in a large breath. I may faint right here.

"Rebecca, don't push me out." Grayson says. The fact he called me Rebecca doesn't go unnoticed.

I scoff "why do you care now? I mean if my mom hadn't been diagnosed and had died three months ago, you probably wouldn't even give two shits about me" I yell in the empty hallway.

He opens his mouth, "didn't know it's still hard for you"

"Why wouldn't it still be hard for me? She was my mother! God." I huff and brush past him.

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