Chapter 21 - Perfect

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Harry's POV


I woke up to Rosa not next to me. Then I heard the shower running. I got up and headed down stairs. Everyone was ready up?

"Morning Haz!" Louis said

"Morning, what you all up too?" I ask

"We're about to go to Universal are you coming?" Liam asked

"S-" Rosa cut me off.

"I'm staying, I still don't kinda feel good. Harry you can go if you want." Rosa smiled

"Its fine love, I think I'm going to stay with you." I smiled

"Okay well see you guys later" Zayn says

We all say our goodbyes. Now it's just Rosa and I.

"I'm going to take a shower love." I say

She nodded then headed to the kitchen.

When I got up stairs I took a 20 minute shower. I put in my sweats, not caring about my shirt. I found Rosa making breakfast. It smelt really good, I was about to grab a pancake but Rosa hit my hand.

"I'm hungry!" I say

"You act like Niall sometimes." She giggles

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too." She said getting closer. And closer to me.

"Do not."

"Do too babe." She smirked then kissed me.

I give up she's to perfect to fight with.

"Fine you win." I mumble

"Breakfasts will be done in a bit." She says

I headed to the livings room and once I say down she came in with our food. We jut sat their eating and watching cartoons.

It was around two now and we decided to do a twitcam. I sent a quick twitter message. Then we both headed up stairs. I open my laptop and logged on, and then opened twitcam.

"Hello world!" I smiled

"Hiya directioners!" Rosa giggled

We looked through the comments.

"Harry, Maria would like a shout out." She said

"Hello maria!" I said with a cheeky smile," rosa they want to know if you feel better?"

"I'm feeling much better now." She smiled

We answered a few more questions..hmm where is berries and bubbles? I let out a whistle, then the came in jumping in the bed.

"Everyone meet bubbles." I said holding the little dog.

"And this is berries." Rosa smiled holding the grey kitty

"I bought these for Rosa as a graduation present." I smiled

We've been on twitcam for half and hour or more. Rosa was now Sotting in my lap, hands untwined. I was looking at her instead of the computer.

"Harry." She mumbled


"Why are they saying make a move styles?"

"Because I'm looking at you."

"You are so cheeky."

I laughed then planted my lips on hers, for a sweet shirt kiss.

"Guess that's it. Talk to you lovely people later." I smiled

"Bye directioners!" Rosa smiled

We decided to go for a swim since it's around 4 something.


Rosa'a POV

Today has been amazing! I felt better after I ate and relaxed. I don't get what happen? I think it was my lunch from yesterday. Oh well. Once I got downstairs I saw Harry in he pool already. I sat in the edge and watched him. He swam over to me, and stood up the rest of the way. Since I was sitting in he shallow area.

"Hello beautiful." He smirked

"Hello handsome." I smiled

Soon enough Harry picks me up I've his shoulders and swims to the deep in. I slip out his grip and swim to the ladder. I grab the last step and push my self under. Harry follows me under , and I wrap my legs around him. His arms hold on to one of he steps. The. He pushed his lips against mine. Soon enough we end up back in our bed room. Perfect way to end my day...


Sorry I haven't updated! I've been busy and I had writers block.

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