Chapter 13 - The perfect date

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Niall's POV

"Niall it's b-"

I cut her off by grabbing her waist, pulling her body close to mine, then I looked into her beautiful hazel green eyes, biting my lip I grabbed her face and slowly lean in to kiss her soft smooth lips.


"Now, my lady are you hungry?"

"Yes, I am."

"I had my good friend from back home, fly over here just to make us some of there food."

"Let me guess were having Nando's."

"Indeed my love."

~15 minutes go by~

"Ready for desert dear?"


"Close your eye's. "


I grabbed the slice of cake, and scooped of some vanilla ice cream, drizzle chocolate syrupy, and grabbed two forks.

"It smells good, can I look now?"

"It sure dose look good, and yes you can."

"Oh my gosh it looks delicious."

"Here's your fork, my lady."

"Thank you."

We sat there eating for about 5 minutes. Gosh it was so rich and tasty! Once we finished we cleaned of our stuff. Then just lay-ed down looking up at the stars.


"Yes, Jade."

"This was the best date I ever had in my whole life."

"I'm glad you liked it."

I sat up leaning up against my arm, Jade did the same. I used my other hand and lifted her head up, giving her a peek on her lips. She leaned up against my chest, so I wrapped my arms around her.

~20 minutes later~



"We should head out before we fall asleep and wake up with a weird looking sun burn."

"I agree!"

Once I got up, I gave her my hand so she could get up. She grabbed the blanket and I took the basket. Then our hands were now in twinned together. When we finally passed the boardwalk the paparazzi were taking pictures and being all creeper mood. The hotel was right around the corner, finally.

"There such stalkers."

"You got that right."

~Couple minutes later~

We were now in our room watching TV, then Jade started to mumble something.

"I will never forget this day, with you. I love you with all my heart."

"Same here my love. I love you more than anything in the world."

Then we pasted out.

Hey.. so what you guys think? Leave a comment. I might be at a friends house for like a week, not confirmed though. Ill try to upload more. Love you guys! Xx

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