Chapter 23 - Alice

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Harry's POV

The next day I took a shower ate an apple, and then headed to her house. When I pulled up to her house, I was nervous. I knocked on the and it open, and there stood an angry Eleanor.

"You have some nerve coming here Harry." She growled

"Please let me explain!" I beg

"Forget it! I warned you Harry! I thought you changed! I guess I was wrong. I don't even know who you are anymore." El screamed

I glanced inside and saw a scared/shocked Rosa.

"Please just let me in so I can explain! Nothing happen between us!" I yelled

"Goodbye Harry." El said before slamming the door.

I've lost her, have I? I walked back to my car slamming the door and drove back home. I walked inside and see all the boys on the couch watching me. They all look at me waiting for me to say something.

"I've lost her." I cried

"Harry." Louis says

Before he could say anything else I run to my room locking the door. I don't care if I look like an emotional wreck. I loved her, and I just lost her. I could hear the boys calling my name, but I ignore them.


Eleanor's POV

He had some nerve to come to her house! Ugh! We all thought he had changed, but I guess not. Rosa went to work, so the girls and I went back home.

When we all walked in all the boys except Harry were standing in front of us.

"We all need to talk." Liam says

We all say on the couch, waiting for someone to speak. Guess ill start.

"Where is the ass hole?" I say

"El!" Louis glares, " you don't even know the whole story."

"We'll I'm sorry, that my best friend is heart broken because of him!" I say

"Do you guys what to know what really happen?" Niall asked

We all nodded our heads, and then Louis went to the kitchen. When he came back my jaw dropped. Alice, Harry's ex.

"I can explain!" She says

She sat down explaining everything that happen they night and morning. Harry wasn't lying, and I blow up on him.

"I'm so sorry." She frowns

"I guess I need to say sorry to Harry for blowing up on him." I sigh

Before I went to see Harry, we came up with a plan to get Rosa and him back together. After we finished the plan we all walked to Harry's room, but I had to go first.

"Go away!" Harry yelled

I kept knocking intill he opened the door.

"Wha- oh." He said

"Harry, look in sorry for blowing up on you. I wasn't thinking and I didn't know the whole story. I'm sorry." I frown

He didn't response, but I had to bring up the plan.

"Will you ever forgive me? In really sorry, look ill make it up to you." I say

"I forgive up El, but it's too late I've already lost her." Harry cried

"No you haven't. We have a plan."I smile

"We?" He asked

Soon enough the boys, girls plus Alice walk over.

"I told them what happen, an do want to help." Alice smiles

"What's the plan?" He asked


Rosa's POV

Its been a week since my break up with Harry. I know I should of let him explain, but I couldn't bring myself to it. He still hurt me by kissing that girl. The only time I went outside was when I had work, needed food, or when I went for a run. When I'm at home I'm either sleeping, eating, on tumblr, or watching movies.b

Well here I am sitting on my couch drinking tea all alone the day before my birthday. Berries and bubbles are asleep next to me as I watch August Rush. This movie is so beautiful!

Out of nowhere my doorbell goes off, scaring the crap out of me. I paused the movie and walked over to the door. When I open the door I saw a girl?

"Ermm...hi?" I say

"Hello, I'm Alice." She says

"Rosa. Come in." I say

She walks in and I offer her tea,babe accepts. When I finish making her tea, I hand it to her then sit down near her.

"Thank you." She smiles

"Your welcome. How can I help you?" I ask

"I'm here to appoligize." She says

"For what?" I ask

"Let me explain a week ago you were with One Direction at a club. I was also their with my friends." She says

I was about to stop her, but she cuts me off.

"Please let me explain."she begs

I nodded and continue to listen.

"I saw Harry and you together. He looked so happy with you. I saw you leave him to go dance with your friends. I was arguing with my self to talk to Harry to see if I still have feelings for him. After awhile I walked over to him. He was wasted by now. But I needed answers. So I kissed him, to see if I feel anything. He kept saying your name, thinking I was you. I stop as fast as I could. I had no feelings for him. Harry was so wasted he could barley walk. I carried him around the club looking for you guys, but I couldn't find any of you. I took him back to my flat and let him sleep in my bed, while I roomy he couch. The next morning Harry was telling me he just lost the love of his life. I told him hey I kissed him and that I brought him back. The pain in his eyes when he told me he lost you, killed me. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry Rosa!" She cried

Oh my god! I can't believe it...Harry wants lying. I moved closer to her and them hugged her.

"Thank you." I say, " it's okay, I forgive you."

"I'm really sorry Rosa. I didn't know this would happen." She says

"Alice it okay. It's life, we all make mistakes and we all learn from them." I smile

"Can we start over?" She asked

"Of course." I smile

We hug each other then decided to finish watching August Rush. After the movie she tells me a bit about herself, and his one guys she has a crush on. She gives me her number and we both agree to hang out again. By he time she leave it's 10 at night. Wow is all I can say about today.

I got ready for bed and then laid down with bubbles and berries. Harry. He's the only thing on my mind. Should I talk to him? Ugh I'm over thinking again. Soon enough I'm fast asleep.

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