Chapter 8 - Pool time

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Isabel's POV

Were on our way to the hotel, I'm quite scared, The food is making my stomach rumbled, like a freaking monster.

~15 minutes later~

We pull up to the hotel, and I take a deep breath.

"So where am I sleeping tonight?"

"Babe your staying with me, the boy's all have there girls, and now I have you." Zayn blushed

"Aw.. he-he."

We headed up stairs, to Louis room, because that's were everyone was at. I stood outside the door which was cracked open.

"Were back." Rosa yelled

"Food give me food!" Niall yelled 

"Calm down Niall!" she laughed

Zayn and I went to drop my bags off in our room. Then headed back to Louis room.

"Guy's I want you all to meet Isabel, my girlfriend."

"Hello Isabel." Niall smiled

"So your the girl." Louis grinned

"It's nice to meet you." Liam said

"Isabel, it's a pleasure to meet you...finally." Harry smiled

"It's lovely to meet you guys."

"Hi I'm Jade, haven't I meet you before?"

"We worked on a project together with Rosa."

"Oh yeah!"

"Hi I'm Danielle, and this is Eleanor."

"Hello Eleanor and Danielle!"

We all grabbed our food. Me and Zayn are sitting on the couch watching Niall finish stuffing his face.

"Eleanor, Rosa, Jade, girl's wanna go swimming. So we could have some girl time." Danielle asked

We all nodded our heads, and went to get ready. I notice Zayn was following me.

"He-he your a creeper!" i giggled

"Maybe, or maybe I just wanted to do this."

He grabbed my face and crashed his smooth lips on mines.


"Your so cute."

"Aw, and your so amazayn."

When we got in the room i went to go change. Zayn was in the living room waiting for me. As soon as I walked out in my black, green swim suet, his eyes were looking up and down.

"Your such a dork!"

"But I'm your dork!"

He grabbed my hand and walked to Liam's room to meet everyone. There always switching rooms.

"Isabel you ready?" Rosa and Jade said


"Boy's will be back later." Eleanor smiled

We got to the pool, there was some people around our age. Jade and I jumped in, then when I got out to jump again, I decided to push Rosa in. When she hit the water I quickly jumped in.

"What was that for?"

'I don't know, I just felt like doing it."

"Ha-ha, pay back time."

I swam away trying to avoid her.

"Jade help me Rosa is trying to get me."

"What did you do?"

"I pushed her in."

"Ha-ha, wait where did she go?"

I looked around. Then I felt someone grab me and throw me up in the air, and then I hit the water.

"Were even now!" Rosa laughed

"Ha-ha fine."

Danielle and Eleanor were going to the diving board, so we joined them. It was weird, because everyone was watching.

"Creepers!" I mumbled

"Legit." Jade Laughed

Danielle ran and dove right in the water, and then Eleanor ran and jumped in. Jade was next and she did a front flip, and then Rosa did a back flip. My turn.. I don't know what to do. Blah... so I ran, then spun around. What a rush! I got out the water and sat down on the chair. Night swimming is so much fun!

"Hello, sweet thing!" someone said

"Um, can I help you?"

"Yeah how about we go up to my place, and get to know each other."

"Ewe gross. I would rather kill my self, then go anywhere with you."

As I was about to walk away, he grabbed my arm tight.

"Let go of me!"


"She said let go of her." Zayn grinned

"Who are you to tell me what to  do."

"I'm her boyfriend. Now let go of her."

"Chill dude."

He walked away, ugh what a freaking creeper! Zayn pulled me close and gave me a firm hug.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, now that your here."

"Come on let's go to our room."

I said goodbye to the girl's and boy's. The boy's just joined them in the pool. When we got to our room I took a shower. I needed it. The warm water felt good on my cold skin. After I finished washing my hair, I grabbed my french vanilla body lotion. Smells so good!

"Your so warm."

"Your so beautiful." Zayn whispered

He put his arm over me and started to cuddle, till we fell asleep.

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