Chapter 15 - Plan's

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Liam's POV

We have two more day's here in Miami, till we head back to Orlando. I'm taking Danielle out tonight. Twitter time.

Good-morning Everyone! What's everyone up to? xx

I logged out of twitter then put my phone in my pocket. Then I joined the boys in the living room.

"Hey Liam." Zayn says

"What you guys doing?"

"Making a plan." Louis said

"For what?"

"Harry. Were flying Rosa down here. Jade said she's always wanted to visit Miami." Niall smiled

"I think he would like that, plus he hasn't even left the hotel since the concert and interview."

"Exactly." Zayn agreed

Just then Harry opens his door and head's over to us.

"Morning sleepy head."

"Morning, what are we doing today." Harry yawned

"I'm going to the gym with Zayn. Wanna come?" Niall asked

"Sure, give me a second." Harry replied

Once Harry walked back in his room we talked about the plan.

"Okay will keep him busy while you guys talk to the girl's . She knows, that's why she had a plan where Harry could get his lazy bum up." Zayn laughed/whispered

"Okay Lou let's get ready."

~Minutes later~

"Liam, Louis were leaving." Niall yells


"Bye!" Louis yells back

Once they left we cleaned up a bit and then head to the girls room to tell them. I knocked on the door then a minute later Isabel opens it.

"Hey girl's. "

"Hey Liam." Isabel and Jade said

"Lou!" Eleanor smiled

"Liam!" Danielle giggled

"So we have to tell you girls something."

"What is is?" Danielle asked

"Where surprising Harry, by flying Rosa down." Louis said

"Omg really!" Jade smiled

"Yep, we need you girls to pick her up."

"Sure." Isabel said

"Thanks were going to the gym. See you tonight Danielle."

"Later Liam, see you tonight." Danielle giggled

Me and Louis left to the gym. Once we entered we walked over to the rest of the boys.

"Were back."

"Hey." Harry said

"How's Rosa?" Louis asked

"She's better now, she had a art show so I couldn't talk to her that much today." He frowned

"Oh, that's cool."

I pulled out my phone. Rosa text-ed me;

I should be there around three. I love you guys so much :) xx

I looked at the time it's 2:23. So I text-ed Danielle;

Hey babe, head to the airport. She should be here around three. xx

Okay. Also what time we going out tonight? xx

Around 6ish xx

Can't wait (: xx

Same here xx

~1 hour later~

My phone buzzed, it was Danielle calling.

"Hey babe."

"Were in our hotel room."

"Okay well be up in a bit."

"Okay bye love."

"Love you."

"Love you more."

Once I hung up, everyone was looking at me.

"Who wants to watch a movie and eat pizza."

They all nodded, then we head up. Niall already called the pizza guy in the elevator.

"Pizza should be here in 20 minutes." Niall said

~20 minutes later~

"Pizza's here." Niall yelled

"Fatty." Harry laughed

I text-ed the girls to come over. Then the door rings and its them. The boys keep Harry on the couch. Rosa sneaks up behind him and covers his eyes.

"Guess who." Rosa says

"Um-mm...Isabel" Harry joked

"Nope!" She giggles

"Then who?" He asked

She took her hands off and Harry turns around.

"Rosa!" Harry smiles

"I've missed you so much!" She smiles

"How did you get here." He asked

"The boys." she giggles

"Sorry to interrupt, but Danielle and I are going out."

"Bye." Danielle smiles

They all waved and we make our way to the car. I'm taking her to the park, and then have dinner under a gazebo.

~10 minutes later~

"So what do you have plan?" She asked

"A dinner in the park."

After we walked around for a bit, we finally got to the gazebo.

"This is so pretty Liam."

"I knew you would like it beautiful."

We sat down, I put some music on and then we ate our food.

~15 minutes later~

Once we were done we got back in the car and headed back to the hotel.

"Liam this date was perfect."

"Just like you babe."

Before I let her entered her room, I gave her a small peck on the lips. As I got to me and the boys hotel room, I saw Zayn and Niall in the kitchen I gave them a small wave. Then off to my room to get some sleep.

Sorry if this chapter is boring or short. Don't hate, I know I'm not good at writing story's, but I'm getting better.

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