Chapter 24 - Concert and Suprises

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Rosas POV

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rosa, happy birthday to you!" My mom and the girls sing

"Thanks for the morning wake up call." I laugh

"You know you love us!" El smiles

I laugh as my mom hands me a plate with a cupcake on it, I blow out h candles just as I make a wish.

'Please let today be amazing!'

"Present time!" Isabelle smiles

I open my moms gift first, which is a check. Fuck! A million dollars! Holy shit!

"Your grandparents, dad and I have been saving for a long time. You have more than that in you bank account. I put the rest in last night." Mom smiles

I hug her and thank her. El got me a new camera. Jade got me the dress I've been dieing for! It's white with black lining at the top and around the waist with a black flower, it's a high low dress. Isabelle got me a hug ass paint set. Last Danielle got me a macbook! Omg! I gave them all big hugs. Soon the doorbell went off, and in walked 4 boys.

"Boys! I've missed you guys!" I smile

"We've missed you too."Louis smiles

"We got you soemthing." Liam smiles

Niall hands me a box. I open it up to see it stuffed with paper and another box I open the small box to find a key?

"Um guys?" I say raising an eye brow

"It's a key to your new house in London!" Zayn smiles

"Are you serious!?!" I ask

"Yep!" Niall smiles

"Thank you so much!" I smile hugging them!

I look past them, and my smile fades. I miss Harry.

"Rosa you okay?" Louis asked

"I'm fine. Thank you guys so much!" I say

"No problem. We have to head to practice for tonight. Are you still coming?" Liam asked me

"I...I don't know." I frown

"Just think about it love." Louis smiles

I nod, and watch them walk back to their van. The girls take me out to lunch. Now they are dressing me up. I'm wearing my new dress, el is curling my hair, Danielle on make up, and made and Isabelle are finding me shoes.

Somehow they got me to agree to go tonight. I'm honestly scared as hell. Tonight better go good.

We arrive 5 minutes before the show starts. We had to hide from fans so they didn't know. The girls and I were in a room above the stage and seats the girls left me to see the boys. Soon enough the show starts with a man walking on stage.

"Good afternoon Directioners!"he said, " I bet you are all wondering what's going on, so instead of telling you how about I show you."

He walked off stage and soon enough the boys walk on stage singing their new album Take Me Home. After awhile they answer questions, hen go back to singing. The girls are now dragging me back stage. This is not supposed to happen!

"Thank you, but before we leave Harry would like to say something." Louis said

"Their is a girl that I am madly in love with, but a mistake happen and I lost her. To all the rumors, I am not with Alice. I was wasted and she kissed me to see if she still had feelings for me, which she doesn't. She didn't know where I was staying and she couldn't find the boys so she took me to her flat. Nothing happen between us! I work up to the worse news ever. I lost the love of my life. I've missed her like crazy! I hope she can forgive me." Harry's says

By this time the girls dragged me on stage. I was still shocked, soon enough Harry sees me.

"Rosa. In so sorry! It was a mistake. This pasted week has been driving me insane. I've missed you so much! Will you ever forgive me?" Harry said

No one spoke, all eyes were on me. Shit balls.

"Harry. I know what happen, Alice came to my house and told me. I forgave her. Harry........I forgive you." I say

Next thing I know he picks me up wrapping his arms around me.

"I've missed you so much!" Harry whisperes

"I've missed you too." I giggle

"Also I would like I say happy birthday to Rosa my beautiful girlfriend." Harry smiled handing me a box

Soon enough everyone is singing happy birthday. I open the box to see a heart necklace with an 'H' on it. All I can do is kiss him. I hear cheers all around me. Tonight has been perfect.

"The boys and I would like to thank the girls for coming up with the idea to throw you guys a secret concert." Liam says

All you hear is screaming saying bank you. I grab Harry's mic, and he girls do the same.

I would like to say that you are the best fans in the world!" Isabelle smiles

"This was for all you lovely Directioners! For all your hard work and support to the boys." Jade smiles

"They wouldn't be here with you guys!" Danielle grins

"For the last surprise for tonight, your wishes will come true. Rosa would you do the honers since it was your idea." El smiles

"This whole concert was for you guys. The girls and I wanted to do something for all of you to show we care. Last but not least, all of you get to meet and greet the boys!" I smile

Soon enough table and chairs are brought out on stage for us. With tons of copies of their new album. Let it began.

After 2 hours we finally finished. Very fan that came asked us girls for our signature. We were all shocked, but it turned out to be a good day.

When we got home the concert was trending and was he talk of the night. The hate cleared up and I followed every that have me their twitter. The boats did the same.

Harry and I are laying in bed cuddling. Bubbles and berries somewhere in the bed with us. Tonight was the best ever!

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