Chapter 19 - Pranks and gifts

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Sorry about the late post, also I can't fix spelling right now. I have school tomorrow, high school again I hate how freshmen get there schedules early, but I have to wait till the first day. -_- wish me luck ill try and update, don't know how busy I well be.


Rosa's POV

"It's time to wake up, it's time to wake up, so get your lazy arse up out of bed." Louis yelled

"Ugh Lou, I hate you." I think Jade said

"Love you too." He laughed

"Great Louis is our wake up call!" Isabel giggled

"Hey I heard that." He yelled, "Rosa get your arse up now!"

I didn't say anything, just laid there and kept my eyes close.

"Lou she's being stubborn." Isabel shouted, "Jade don't you dare go back to sleep!"

"Isabel I got it." He screams

Everything went silent, Jade was next to me trying to sleep, I knew she was still up, because she was breathing loud.

"Shh Isabel." Louis whispered

"3." Isabel giggled

"2." Louis said

"1." They both yelled

Next thing I know ice cold water was dumped on me and Jade.

"The hell Louis, your dead meat now!" Jade screamed then ran after him

"I'm getting a shower."

"Okay Rosa, also sorry it was Louis idea." Isabel said

"It's okay, I'll get him back."

Then I was off to the shower.

~15 minutes later~

I slipped out the shower and put shorts on, a dark blue tank top, and my white hoodie that says 'London'(its so soft), and then my converse. Put my hair in a messy wet bun, and then went to pack my stuff up again. I turned on my iPod deck and began to pack, Vegas Girl by Conor Maynard was playing, so I danced around. Then I heard laughter. Oops!

"Nice moves beautiful." Harry smiled

"Shut up."

I grabbed my dock and put it in my bag and then brought my stuff to the living room.

"Morning." Niall, Zayn, and Liam said

"Morning boys."

I grabbed a plate and put some pancakes on it that someone made. Yum there good!

"Liam what time do we have to leave?" Danielle asked

"Uh in 30 minutes, so everyone get ready." He said

Poop, I was enjoying my pancakes till you said that! Once I finished my food we cleaned up a bit and made sure we had everything. We got downstairs, Eleanor and Louis turn the keys in.

~30 minutes later~

We arrive at the airport, then we checked in and boarded the plane. Goodbye Miami. Yes Louis is in front of me, time to make a plan, need to talk to Jade.

"Hey." Jade smiled

"Hey, what's the plan?"

"Hm-mm, well I have toothpaste and lotion with me."


"Well wait till he's asleep."

I got back to my seat and before they made us turn our phones off I tweeted;

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