Chapter 4 - The monent

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Jade's POV

I woke up in an empty room. That's odd... the last thong I remember was Eleanor sleeping over there and Rosa sleep walking. Beep beep. Shoot I have to go, I quickly got dress and ran downstairs.

"Morning Jade."

"Morning Niall."

"You ready for today."

"Yep I need to get mt gown from my flat."

"Okay were about to leave anyway."


Later Zayn, Liam, Niall, and I got in the car and drove to my flat.

"Where's the others?"

"They left early, because they had to go to Rosa's."


We pulled up to my flat, and I ran inside. It took me awhile to find out where I put it. Then I finally found it.

"I got it."

"Okay were right on time." Liam said

"So Jade you got a twitter?" Niall asked

"Yes I do."

I punched my name in the search bar and clicked follow.

"Do you want Rosa's too."



"Jade can you do the same to mine and Zayn's." Liam asked


I had almost all the boys following me except Harry and Louis. Hm.. the boy's will probably give it to them. We finally pulled up to the graduation and went through the back.

"Jade, I was wondering when you would be here."

"We had to stop at my flat."

"Oh yeah that's right, come on we have to check in."

Rosa and I got our gowns on and headed to our spot in line. When I glanced around to see everyone I spotted some one direction hoodies and some shirts. Then I looked at the doors and saw the paps.

"Oh great."

The music started and we headed out to our seats. When we sat down the long speeches began.

~15 minutes later~

Row by row was called up, and then it was my turn.

"Jade Marie Davis."

I walked up, shake the principals hand and grabbed my diploma and went back to my seat. When I sat down I let out a deep breath, then my phone buzzed.

"Jade it's okay. Just breath, your graduation is almost over. Xx"

I tweeted back to Niall:

"Thanks Niall. Xx"

He was right, it was almost over. I looked up and saw that Rosa was next.

"Rosa Ana Smith."

She looked more nervous than me.

~20 minutes later~

Graduation was finally over, and I didn't have to worry about school for awhile. I found Rosa, she was talking to Jeff. So I decided to walk over.

"Hello Jeff."

"Hey Jade."

"What are you doing here." Rosa said

"I'm here, because you have a gift."

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