Chapter 16 - Sweet messages

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Hello everyone, I'm going to start these notes at the top. Sorry for the late update, been writing other story's. Not sure if I should post them now, maybe later. Also I start school in like 17 days, and I still have two work on my summer reading I have to finish my book and read my other one and do a project. I need to stop being lazy. :( Back to high school 10 grade here I come. There is allot more drama coming up in the next two parts. Hope you like it.

Zayn's POV

~Back to when Liam and Danielle left~

"Harry I can't breath."

"Sorry Zayn."

"So what movie we watching?" Isabel asked

"Ummmm...I'm thinking 21 Jump Street."

"I heard this movie is funny." Jade smiled

"I hope it is." Niall laughed

"Well out it in someone." Louis yelled

"Okay, I'll do it." Eleanor said

We all got out pizza, and then started the movie.

~After the movie~

Everyone is laughing, including me.

"That was the most funnest movie ever!" Niall laughed

"I agree, I really enjoyed it."

"I'm weak!" Jade cried

"You guys up for the pool?" Harry asked

We all nodded, then left to get ready. Harry, Louis, Niall and I sat around the pool waiting for the girls to get down here.

"Guy's the water feels good." Louis yells

"I'll be in the hot tube."

"Where here!" Eleanor giggles

I see Isabel in a all black swimsuit. She's so beautiful.

"Hello earth to Zayn." Isabel says

"Oh, sorry babe."

"Can I join you?"

"You don't have to ask."


I watched her slid in right next to me. Then I tangled our hands together.

"How's it in England love."

"It's good, but I missed you allot the flat wasn't the same with out you."

"You know you can always flt to where ever I am babe."

"I know."

"Louis put me down!" Rosa screamed"

Isabel and I look over to see Louis about to throw her in the pool. Typical Louis!

"Say the magic words." He laughs


"Correct, but I'm going to still throw you in." He smiles

Once he throw her in, everyone was laughing like crazy. When Isabel laughs, I just smile. Soon everyone join us in the hot tube.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Niall asked

"How about shopping, then the beach." Eleanor said

"I agree." Harry smiled

"Me two." Rosa giggled

Everyone else nodded.

"Sorry, but the pool is closing now. umm...leave now." A women said in a rude tone

"Don't have to be rude!" Jade snapped

We all walked back to the lobby, and then to the elevator. Once we get to out floor we say goodbye, then head back to our room.

"Liam's not back yet, it look's like." Louis says

"Who want's to play Mario Kart!" Niall yells


"We can all play, I call Louis!" Harry shouts

It was round two and Niall and I are in the lead. Whoop whoop!

"Ha-ha, I'm in front of you Zayn!" Harry laughs


I got the mystery box, good. Yes, time for this shell to hit harry. When I let the shell go it hit him.

"Nooooo." Harry shouts


Round three, Louis got ahead of Niall. Round four, I got first place. Ha-ha if Liam was here I would probably lose.

"Yes we won." Niall smiles

"RE-MATCH" Louis yells


"Fine." Louis mumbles

I headed to the kitchen, and of course Niall was two. Liam walks in and gives us a wave, then heads to his room. I finished my bag of chips, then went to my room for a shower.


Once I get out I slide some basketball shorts on and hop on my bed and watch tv.

~Minutes later~

Ugh....nothing good is on. I'll just text Isabel.

"Hey babe."

"Hey love."

"What you doing?"

"Sitting with the girls, what about you?"

"In my room thinking about you."

"Aw I feel special."

"Because you are my dear."

He-he, I can't wait to go to the beach!"

"Me either."

"Love I'm going to bed."

"Night babe. I love you. Xx"

"Love you two. Night. Xx"

~30 minutes later~

Still can't sleep. I'll leave Isabel a good morning text.

"Dear Isabel, I love you with all my heart. I'm so glad I met you. You're my life and future now. Nothing can tear us apart. Also good morning my beautiful Isabel. Xx"

Since it's past midnight, I'm going to try and get some sleep.

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