Chapter 7 - Who's the new girl

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Zayn's POV

I miss her so much. Also the boy's never met her, and she was coming to visit soon.

"Zayn, I know something is wrong." Rosa said"

"I'm fine"

"Zayn, I can see it in your eyes."

"You can?"

"Yes, I used to see that same expression on's face."

"Oh, well..."

"You can trust me."

"Um.. my girlfriend is coming to visit..and the boy's never met her..I'm scared they won't like her. I haven't told the press her name yet, but they willy find out at the concert."

"I can't wait to meet her, what's her name?"

"Her name is Isabel Soria."

"That's a beautiful name."

"I know."

We headed back inside, and I'm glad no one asked what happen. My phone started buzzing, it was Isabel.

"Go answer it." Rosa whispered"

"Guy's i'll be right back."

I answered the phone before it went to voice mail.


"Hey, I can't wait to see you."

"Me too babe, your going to love everyone."

"Ya, well got to go imma about to go to sleep."

"Okay night babe."


When I hung up I head back to the living room. Everyone was looking at me.

"Who was that?" Louis asked

"My girlfriend."

"I wanna meet her." He yelled

"You will soon, I promise."

"I better." He mumbled

I headed up stairs to my room, all I wanted to do was sleep. To many things are running through my head.

~12:52 p.m.~

Ugh. Its the afternoon, i thought it was still morning. *Beep Beep* I walked down stairs to see who was in the kitchen.

"What are you doing Niall?"

"Um.. what's it look like I'm doing, I'm making food."

"Oh true."

"Ha-ha so whos's this girl?'

"Her name is Isabel."

"Wait Isabel Soria?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Jade told me about a project her and Rosa worked on."


"Yep, so when is she coming?"

"She should be here today around seven."


~2:39 p.m.~

"Zayn wake up." Louis yelled

"Um. Where are we?"

"Where in Tampa at our hotel." Liam said

"Oh yeah I forgot."

~6:40 p.m.~

I told the boy's. I was going to grab some food for all of us. Rosa joined me, she's helping me from being nervous.

"Zayn calm down."

"Okay, but her flight is here, but where is she."

"She's probably can't find her stuff."

"Okay your right."

"Zayn!" A girl squalls

I turned around and see Isabel.

"Isabel i've missed you so much!"


"Isabel this is Rosa Smith, Harry's girlfriend."

"Hi, I'm Isabel, wait haven't I seen you before?"

"Yeah we worked on a project together for the arts." Rosa smiled"

"Oh yeah, okay I'm hungry."

"We have to go to McDonald's to get food for us and everyone else."

"Okay." Isabel giggled.

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