Chapter 10 - Taken

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Eleanor's POV

When I saw Rosa leave, I could tell something was bothering her. Minute's went by and she hasn't returned.

"Do you guy's know where Rosa went?"

"No, she was just he-." Danielle was cut off

"Well I'm going to go look for her." Jade said

We all followed Jade out the door, and then split up. I walked down the hall and saw the exit door slam shut. My face let up, and I bolted to the door. Some how it was locked shut, so I put my ear to the door.

"Hello, who's there?"

"Hello again Rosa."

"Who are you?"

She was quite, I tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Told you I would come back."

"Jack get away from me!"

Once I heard his name I ran to find the others. By the time I reached the lobby the boy's finished the concert and ran to me.

"El why are you crying?" Louis asked

"It's.........Rosa....She's been...-"

"Where is she?" Harry mumbled

"She's been taken."

"Who would do that?" Isabel said

"I heard her talking, but I couldn't get to her the door was jammed. Jack was with her."

I saw Harry's eye's wide with angry, he gripped his hands tight.

"Where was she last?" Liam asked

"Down the hall outside the exit door."

We all got to the door. It took ten minutes to get it open. There was no sign of her or Jack.

"Look there's a camera up there." Jade yelled

"We need to see those tapes now." Zayn said

We all ran back inside to the security room. The video started playing showing us everything.

"Jack get away from me."

"No you cant make me."

"Get away."

She was hitting the door, and then Jack grabbed her hair and pulled her to the ground.

"Shut up, you ugl-."


He hit her across the face, knocking her out. Then he put her in the van and drove away.

"We have to find her." Harry said

"We will, calm down." Niall replied

We all walked to the exit to get in our van, and look for her. My phone went off it was Rosa, I put her on speaker and told everyone to shut up.


"Rosa where the bloody hell are you?"

"I'm ...fine....I...-"


"I have to go."

Before the line went dead we heard a voice.

"Who are you talking to?"

"No one, I swear."


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