Chapter 2 - The fight

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Eleanor's POV

I woke up to the sound of music. The song was Paradise by Coldplay. Rosa loves this song to death ever since it cam out. I looked at the time it was 5:45, what is she doing up so early. Then the music got louder, she must have open her door. So I got up to see what she was doing.

"Morning El."

"Morning, what are you doing?"

"I have less then two days of school left before I graduate."

"Oh am i going to the graduation?"

"Yes, of course."

"When is it?"

"Saturday morning."

"Okay. I'll tell the boys, so they know were busy."


I left her room so she could finish getting ready. My phone was ringing, I quickly ran to get it.


"Morning babe."


"What you guys doing today?"

"Well, Rosa is going to school, she has like two days left before she graduates, and I'm not doing anything."

"When is she graduating?"

"Saturday morning."

"Can we come?"

"I'll ask her babe."

"Okay El, wanna catch some coffee later?"

"I would love to."

"What's your address?"

I told him the address, and then Rosa walked in.

"Lou hold on."


"Love the shirt Rosa."

"Thanks, I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving."

"Okay, wait Louis want's to know if him and the boys could go to your gradation?"

"Sure, I'll have to talk to the principle for a special seating, because of the boys."

"Okay, have fun."

"I'll try."

"Lou, I'm back, she said yes you guys can come."

"Great, well tell the boys when we get coffee."

"See you in an hour."

"Okay love you Lou."

"Love you too El."

When I got off the phone, I went to take a shower. As I got in I felt the warm water on my face. It felt so good. The body wash smell's like fresh flowers, it re-mines me of home.

~15 minutes later~

When i got out it was 7:36. Louis will be here around 8:15 with the boys. I went back to my room, and slipped on jeans, my favorite white shirt, and some toms. Then fixed my hair and put a little makeup on. My phone went off again and it was a text from Louis:

"El, I'm here xx"

I replied:

"Okay, be out in a sec.xx"

Finally I went down stairs and told Rosa's mom I'm going out. As I walked out the door I saw Louis and gave him a short kiss.


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