Chapter 5 - The radio

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Louis's POV

The boys and I got up early. We left a note for the girls to meet us at the interview. Harry was driving us to the radio's studio.

"We missed breakfast, I'm hungry." Niall grinned

"Harry pull up to that McDonald's." Liam said

"Okay, good I'm starving."

Harry parked the car,  and we headed inside quickly. Liam took our orders, while we went to sit at a table. My phone started buzzing, Eleanor was calling.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Lou."

"What are you doing."

"Getting ready, thanks for leaving the note, will be there."

"Your welcome, good. well see you later, our food is here."

"Bye love you."

"Love you too El."

After we finished it was time to head back on the rode again, to the radio station.

~5 minutes later~

"Welcome back joining with us today is One Direction. So boys I heard all of you are taking now."

"Yes, we all are." Zayn said

"Well boy's I think the fans would love to hear one of you songs. Which one is it going to be?"

"What Makes You Beautiful, because everyone out there is beautiful." Niall smiled.

"Okay now everyone turn up your radio's, because here is What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction."

After  we finished the song we answered some questions, then left to the interview. The girls were already in our dressing room.



I gave her a quick kiss on her smooth lips. The rest of the boys went  to get ready, and I sat down with the girls.

'Louis, we heard you guy's on the radio." Jade smiled


"Ha ha, Jade was singing her head off, then we joined in. Jade and I got out the car at a red light and danced to it, and then everyone was looking at us." Rosa laughed


"Yeah it was fun singing and watching them dance, but then creepers be looking at us." El said

"Ha ha okay, I  have to go get ready."

"Bye Lou."

"Bye!" Rosa and Jade yelled 

I went to the back to see the boys almost done.

"Boy's five minutes to the interview." Paul said

"Okay Paul." Liam said

"You have three concerts, and one interview left after this one. Then vacation for the rest of the time." Paul smiled

"Great." Zayn grinned

We all finished getting ready and headed out on set.

"Welcome back I'm sitting here with One Direction. So boy's how are you enjoying the weather?"

"It's very hot, but I love it." Harry smiled

"It's lovely." Niall said

"So your staying here for two months, any plans?"

"Well spending time with the lads, and my girl."

"Same here." Niall blushed

"Same." Harry laughed

"That's nice I hear we have the girls here today, do you mine if we bring them out?"


"We will meet the girls after the break."

Niall, Harry and I walk over to the girls.

"Were going to be on T.V. " Rosa nervously said

"Yes, you'll be fine babe trust me." Harry smiled

"I'm kinda nervous." Jade giggle

"Don't look at the cameras." Niall laughed

"Boy's back on set, girl's come with me." Paul yelled

So we got back on set, and waited for our cue.

"And were back, Now we are about to meet Eleanor, Rosa, and Jade."

The girls came out and sat next to us.

"So Eleanor tell us about these two girls?"

"Rosa has been my best friend since we were little, I'm visiting her and her mom, while I'm down here. Jade is her best friend."

"Rosa, I heard you just graduated with Jade. Also do you have a job?"

"Yes, I just graduated. I work at a little studio." Rosa smiled

"What do you do there?"

"I do photography, modeling, and art."

"What about you Jade?"

"Music, photography, and modeling.

"So you two work together?"

"Yes, we do." Jade smiled

"Okay time for some questions from some fans."

"Louis, how many r's?" fan 1

"Hahaha, I see you watched me and Harry's twit cam, also there is six r's."

"Yes, I do you guy's are my idol's." fan 1

"Thanks, we love all our fans." 

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