Chapter 22 - Tears

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Rosas POV

I woke up around 6 in the morning. J sat up and saw bubbles and berries in the little couch sleeping, and a naked Harry still asleep next to me. I replayed last night events in my head as I hopped in the shower. I can't believe we actually did it last night. My first time with Harry. Of course I was scared and nervous, but everything was perfect.

I've never believed in love at fist sight, I thought people just got lucky. When I saw Harry, it felt like only him and I only mattered. But will we last? I've heard all the stories about when the guy gets drunk make a mistake and cheats.

I step out he shower and wrap my towel around me, a so walked to the closet.

"Good morning babe." Harry's mumbles in his morning voice.

He kisses me neck and hugs me from behind. I was shocked at first. But damn his morning voice though! I turned around and kissed his cheek.

"Morning." I giggle

"Take another shower with me." He begged

"Hmmm.... Maybe another day babe." I smirk pushing him into the bathroom

I hear him sigh really loud, making me laugh. Now back to getting dressed. What to wear?

I decided to wear a grey oversize sweater, high wasted shorts, fuzzy socks. I put on my camera necklace and painted my nails a pastel pink out of boredom. Last I braided my hair and did a natural makeup.

Harry walked out the bathroom with his towel around his waist. I walked over and pecked his lips, then sat on the couch with bubbles and berries. I watched Harry put on boxers and then sweats, and not wanting to put a shirt on.

We walked downstairs, being quite not sure if anyone is up. Once we get to the living room, I'm kinda hungry.

"Babe?" I say

"Yes love?" Harry smiles

"Can you make me food? Pretty please!!!" I ask

"Only because I love you." Harry smiles

"Yay! Love ya too babe!"I giggle

I plopped down on the couch turning cartoons on. Somehow I ended up on twitter.

The secret concert was trending still, they have no idea what it is. Pictures of the guys at universal and pictures of Harry and I tweet am are going around. I cheeked my mentions.

I read through them, and I just wanted to crawl in a hole. Like really you only know my name not my story! They shouldn't be assuming all these hangs about me when they don't know me! I half smile at the good comments because there is more hate than good. I decided to tweet.

"You Know My Name Not My Story! WORDS HURT!"

I turned my phone off and just curled up into a ball. I didn't want to cry out loud so I stick with my slimy tears. I zoned out, not even noticing Harry standing by the door till I looked up. He walked over to me pulling me on top of him. Harry was holding me, as I cried on his shoulder. His fingers made circles on my legs trying to calm me down.

Soon Harry's phone goes off saying he has a tweet. It's to big of us from Louis. My phones off so I didn't get it. Louis posted a pic of us with a twitlong.

"The hate to the girls has been insane. The lads and I hate seeing the girls like this. It breaks our hearts just watching hen say the are fine, when they are broken inside. The girls try to do stuff for you guys, they care about you all. Right now I just saw Rosa one of my amazing best friends sitting on the couch reading the hate, I saw her tweet right before turning off her phone. Next thing she does is curl up into a ball and she starts crying slimy tears! Like those silent tears are so painful to watch! Harry saw and held her not saying anything but comfort her. Please stop with the hate. You know their names not here story! Never judge someone by how they look, act, who they date, and who they hang out with! Please stop.

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