Chapter 18 - Cat Fight

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Well here's the next chapter like I promised. Also my friend Lisa wrote some of this chapter. Sorry about the language. Enjoy 

P.S. I have been craving gummy bears, and Reese's! Xx 


Jade's POV

I was having a great day till I saw those girl's eyeing our boys.

We walked out to the ocean shore, the water was clear blue, just beautiful. Then Isabel and I see the girls, with the perfect bodies and bad spray tans. Oh God please don't walk your tiny hips over here, because we don't need any drama. Just as I expected they walked over our way locking their eyes on the boy's. Great, just great, I thought to myself.

These three girls have the guts to walk up to the boy's, two blonde's and a brunette. They flash us dirty looks as I roll my eyes. The brunette walks up to Niall..she better not touch him or some shit is about to go down. Blonde one with the bright pink swimsuit walks up to harry giving him a cheeky smile, and the other blonde with the black and white stripped swimsuit on is being all giggly with Zayn. Who the hell do they think they are?!

"Your seeing this too right?"

"Yeah!" Isabel replied

I decided to walk up to Niall, and look at the brunette.

"Um-mm...who are you?"

"I'm Sam." She said in a snobby attitude

"Well SAM no need for an attitude." I said sharply

She did the stupidest thing ever, came closer to Niall, the blonde's look over at her, then moved in closer to Harry and Zayn.

"Look you little.." I stopped myself for a second

"Little what?" She snapped back

"Little hoe!" I said narrowing my eyes at her

Niall grabs my shoulder, but I shake him off.

"Look you little twat! You need to go somewhere else with your little..dogs."

I look over at the blonde's. Isabel steps in and stands by Zayn.

"Seriously, you need to leave." Isabel stood her ground

"Or what?" The blonde next to harry said

"Or you guys are going to the hospital." I growled

Then suddenly the bitchy brunette slapped me, and my reflects kicked in. I punched her dead in the face, pushing her to the sandy ground, I punched her in the jaw one more time until Louis and Niall pulled me off her. I looked at her face to see that I had broken her nose, given her a black eye and busted her lip.

"Calm down Jade." Louis said calmly

I wasn't calm at all in fact I was severely pissed off. The blonde standing next to Zayn backed off, but the one next to Harry was stupid and stayed there.

"Um, do I need to hurt you too? He has a girlfriend and she's standing right there!"

"So..I don't care she's just ugly."

I looked at Isabel and Rosa, and ran after the dumb blonde, grabbing her arm, and putting her in head lock, I punched her in the face and let her go.

"Go with your little friends, and leave!"

Once they left I headed back to my towel. I can't believe he just freaking stood there! Next time I see that Sam girl and the two blonde's, I'm going to rip there heads off. I sat up looking at the beautiful water, and then I notice Niall was walking towards me. Great, this is not going to be good, I thought.

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