Chapter 6 - Finishing the interview

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Liam's POV

"Liam, what's your favorite Toy Story?" fan 2

"I like all of them."

"Niall, how many times have you been to Nando's?" fan 3

"Um.. I lost track after 50." Niall laughed

"Harry, how tall are you?" fan 4

"I'm six foot." Harry said

"Zayn, what do you do when no one is around you?" fan 5

"I draw." Zayn smiled

"Okay that's all the time we have today. Thank you guys for being here today."

"Your welcome!" we all say

We headed back to the car and picked up some Burger King for lunch on the way home.Once we got home it was two. The rest of the boy's and El and Rosa went out back for a swim.

"You okay Liam?" Jade asked

"Yeah, I think."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm kinda missing England, and my girlfriend."

"Oh, your two months will go by fast, don't worry you'll be home soon."

"Thank's Jade."

"No problem, you coming for a swim?"

"Maybe later."

"Okay bye Liam."

"Bye Jade."

I turned on the T.V, because I had nothing else to do right now. *Ding Dong* I got up to answered it.


"Liam, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, how did you get here?"

"The boy's got me a ticket and a cab."

"That's nice of them. I was just thinking about you."

"Aw Liam."

"Everyone is out back in the pool."

"Okay let me get ready."

"Same here."

Danielle and I walked out out to the living room then headed out back.

"You made it." Louis yelled

"Yes, I did." Danielle giggled

"This is Rosa and Jade."

"Hello it's nice to meet you guy's." Danielle said

"It's a pleasure to meet you to." Rosa smiled

"It's nice to finally meet you." Jade said

"Danielle! Your here." Harry yelled

"Yes, Harry, it's nice to see you too!' she laughed

We all went into the pool and played some water volleyball. Team one was Louis, Rosa, Niall, and I. Team two was Eleanor, Harry, Zayn, and Jade sometimes the team mates would switch out with Danielle. SO right now Danielle was the score keeper, when she wasn't playing.

~Couple minutes later~

"The score is 12-11" Danielle yelled

Yes were one point ahead. Rosa was serving, she's pretty good, in-till she gets in the front. I remember when I scored the 5th point, they were serving the ball and when it came close to her she frozze and let them score. I wouldn't blame her, no one want's to get hit in the face with the ball.

~Ten minutes later~

"The score is tied with 24-24, come on you guys, your both one point away." Zayn yelled

It was my turn to serve. Then I took a deep breath and hit the ball over, and went back and forth for about five times.

"Let's just call it a tie game. I'm hungry!" Niall said

"I agree!" Rosa, Harry, Jade, El, Lou said

"Finally game is over!' Zayn laughed

"I'm cooking hamburgers for dinner." Louis grinned

"I'll make a salad to go with." Danielle added

"Anything else we should make."

"Make your smoothies Liam." Eleanor smiled

"Fine." Liam groaned

The rest went to the living room to watch T.V. Typical!

~15 minutes later~

After all the food was done we all sat at the table and started eat-ting. Niall had three burgers, gosh that boy can eat alot.

"Liam when's out next event?" Louis asked

"If I'm right we have a concert coming up in Tampa."

"Great, just what day?" Niall said

"Um.. oh it's Wensday ."

"I''m guessing Paul would want us to go to Tampa tomorrow just in case." Louis grinned


"Okay." Louis sighed

Hm.. was it me or did Zayn have a smiling face?

"Zayn are you okay?"

"Oh what yeah"

Everyone looked at him.

"Guy's I'm fine."

"Sure now spill."

"I'm just happy we get to do a concert soon, that's all."

Zayn left the table, and it sounded like he went out back.

"I'mma go talk to him." Rosa said

"Okay babe." Harry smiled

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