Chapter 33

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Meanwhile in Gundabad, Dalila was locked into a dungeon. They chained her hands above her head and chained her feet together.
"You eat once a day. Make it last." An orc suggested. He left laughing. Dalila sighed and tried not to cry. These were the same orcs who raided her village. She still hasn't seen the face of the orc she was riding with. But she didn't like him. His nasty hands wandered her body. Her skin was still crawling with disgust. Fili hadn't even went that far. But Fili and this orc were very very different. Part of her hoped Fili would come for her but the other part wanted him to stay far far away from this place. She didn't want him hurt. Her arms were starting to ache already. To ease the pain she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Azog was having a conversation with Bolg and some of the other orcs.
"After the dwarves are dead, I'm marrying Dalila." Azog declared.
"You're marrying a dwarf! What about mother?!" Bolg questioned.
"What about her?" Azog laughed. Bolg just nodded.
"Treat her decent while she's locked away." Azog commanded. But decent to an orc was not killing. Poor Dalila was going to go through a rough few days.

Later that day an orc took her food. He unchained her hands and she fell to the floor.
"Fili." She muttered.
"What? Did you speak the name of a Durin?" The orc smiled cruely. Dalila didn't say a word. She kept her head down hoping the orc would leave. But he didn't...

He hit her stomach with a club. The force knocked her on her back. She winced in pain. The orc kicked her in the same place. Dalila let out a scream and held her stomach in pain.
"You have 10 minutes to eat." The orc left.

Dalila sat against the wall with her knees to her chest. She cried. She cried because of the pain. She cried because she missed Fili and her family. She cried because she was scared of what was to come. She cried because she was scared no one would come save her. And she cried because someone would come save her and they would be captured or killed.

She slowly made her way to the plate and nimbled on the bread. Her meal consist of a piece of stale bread, a slice of meat, and water. It was better than nothing. Atleast it wasn't moldy or full of bugs.

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