Chapter 37

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Today's Dalila's birthday. Fili woke up early and went to her house. He knocked on the door. Bofur answered.
"Do you know what time it is Laddie? It's barely after dawn." Bofur said irritated.
"Yes I know. But it's Dalila's birthday."
"She's asleep. You can wake her up but I warn ya, she's a beast when she's woke up."
"She can't be that bad." Fili went to her room. He gently shook her.
"Dalila? Wake up. It's your birthday." Fili said gently. Dalila groaned and put her head under her pillow. Fili chuckled.
"Come on. I have a surprise for you."
"I refuse to leave my bed until the sun is fully in the sky." She moaned.
"Then I'm waiting with you."
"Whatever. Just don't bug me."

Fili laid beside her and put his arm around her.
"If Bofur walks in your dead." She smiled.
"It'll be worth it."
"No offense but even if he kills you I'm not getting out of bed until the sun is fully in the sky."
"Hopefully I'll never need you in the morning."
"Goodnight Fili."

After a couple hours Dalila finally woke up completely.
"What were you talking about this morning?" She asked him.
"Well I came to wish you a happy birthday and give you a present."
"That present better be a homemade card."
"It might be. Close your eyes." Fili told her. She gave in and closed her eyes. Fili went behind her and raised her hair up and clipped the necklace on. He turned her towards her mirror.

"Open." She opened her eyes. She gasped in awe.
"Fili, it's beautiful."
"I know purple is your favorite color and it's your birthstone. And you're my princess. It's perfect for you."
"I love it Fili. Thank you so much." She hugged him.
"Anything for you."
"But I said nothing big."
"That's not big. It fits in my hand." He smirked.
"By big I meant expensive."
"Be more specific next time."
"You're lucky you're cute."
"I know." He kissed her forehead.

Dalila didn't want a big party. She said to save it for her 40th birthday. So they had a party with just a few friends. The company, Dís, Ragna, and of course Astrid. Everyone was happy and having a merry time except Astrid. She was still mad at Fili for waking her up this morning.

Dís made her a cake. It was decorated really pretty. The main color frosting was white. It had flowers of all different colors around it. And it said Happy Birthday Dalila. With a crown by her name. Not only was it decorated pretty but it tasted amazing.

They sang songs and danced. They drank ale and told jokes and funny stories. It was the best birthday Dalila had ever had.

"Now it's present time." Bofur said handing her a wrapped box.
"Bofur, you didn't have to get me anything''
"Yes I did. Open it.'' She smiled and opened it. It was a dress. A beautiful dress.
"Thank you. I love it."
"It was your mother's. I had it mended for you."
"That makes it even more special. Thank you."

Bifur said some gibberish and handed her another wrapped box.
"It's from me and Bifur." Bombur said. She opened it. Inside was a new pair of shoes to match the dress.
"Thank you two. They're perfect."

"Open mine!" Kili tossed her a present.
"You're in on this too?"
"Of course I am!" He smiled. He got her a new hair piece and earrings to match. Dalila was surprised.
"Aww thank you Kili. I love them!" She put the earrings in.
"I knew you would."

"And this is from me and Thorin." Dís handed her a box. She carefully unwrapped it. It was a small crown. Dalila looked at them confused.
"It was our mothers. I have my own so I don't need it. And we think she'd want you to have it. You can get use to it now. You'll have a bigger one when you're queen." Dís smiled.
"Thank you both so much. It truly means a lot." Dalila beamed. She felt like she was officially part of the family now.

Balin handed her a box.
"From me and Dwalin." It was a handcrafted bracelet.
"Thank you guys. It's lovely."

Next was Oin and Gloin. They bought her a locket that would hold two pictures.
"I have one as well. I keep a picture of my wife and son in. If I'm away from them I still have a piece of them." Gloin explained.
"That's very thoughtful of you two. Thank you."

Ori, Dori, and Nori got her something as well. They got her a new cloak.
"It's beautiful. And my favorite color. Thank you." She smiled.

"Here you go." Ragna said handing her a box.
"Oh thank you Ragna." It was a picture frame with a picture of them in it.

"There's one more gift." Fili said.
"From who?" Dalila asked confused. Everyone gave her a gift.
"From me of course." Fili said.
"No. You already gave me yours."
"But it wasn't wrapped so it doesn't count."
"I'll get you for this."
"Just open it." Dalila opened the rather large box. Inside was a case.
"Open the case." Fili commanded. She did. Inside was a small axe, a sword, and a bow with arrows.
"Fili, I don't need all this."
"Yes you do. I'm going to teach you to fight and you'll always carry a weapon. I don't want you hurt."
"Thank you." She hugged him.
"I thought I'd always be there and protect you but after you being kidnapped I realized anything could happen. I need you to be safe."
"Okay. You can teach me to fight."
"I can teach you with the axe and sword but Kili has bow duty."
"We get to bond." Kili said.
"I'm so thrilled." Dalila said sarcastically.

After the gifts everyone started joking around again. Fili took Dalila outside.
"We need to talk." Fili told her.
"What about?"
"About you trying to kill yourself."
"Kili told you?"
"Look, I thought you were dead."
"I know. That's what we need to talk about. Dalila one day I'm going to go to war and not return. I'm a dwarf. It happens. But I want to make sure that no matter what you're safe. You can't kill yourself over me."
"Fili that's asking to much."
"Asking you to live is to much?"
"No. Asking me to live without you is to much. When I was in Ironhill, I was depressed. I thought you found a lover and forgot about me. But knowing you love me and you being dead is the worst feeling ever. I literally had nothing when I thought you died."
"But with you alive my legacy lives on. Please. Promise me. Promise me you won't kill yourself because of me. It'll be my last thought. I'll think of you killing yourself and I'll die sad. But if you promise me you won't my last thought will be your beautiful smile and I'll die smiling."
"Promise me."
"I-I promise." She sighed. He hugged her.
"I love you Dalila. More than anything. I hope you know that."
"I know and I love you too."

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