Chapter 73

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Kili and Thorin arrived home hours later.

"Well?" Dis asked hopeful but by the look on Kili's face she already knew the answer. Kili didn't answer but just slunk down into a chair.

"Both of them?" Dis asked Thorin. Thorin simply nodded.

"Oh poor thing." Dis sighed and went to comfort Kili.

"I should have been quicker. If I would have gotten there faster they would both still be here." Kili said blankly.

"You cannot blame yourself." Dis said soothingly.

"Why would she think she needed to get an abortion?" He asked no one in particular.

"I don't know. She panicked I suppose." 

There was a knock at the door. Fili answered it.

"Dalila." He said shocked to see her. He hoped she was there to forgive him and beg him back but he knew better than that.

"I came to see if there was any news of Ragna." She said shortly while trying to avoid eye contact with Fili. She feared if she looked into his eyes she would give in to her desires.

"Of course. Would you like to come in and have a seat?"

"No. I cannot stay."

"Alright. Dalila, when Kili got there the baby was already gone. They pratically butchered her. Kili came back for our healerss. When he returned she was gone. She had lost too much blood." He said slowly. Dalila stood there in shock.

"Dalila? Are you alright?" He asked taking a step closer.

"I'll be going now." She went to turn but her knees buckled and she almost collapsed. Luckily Fili caught her.

"You're going to come in and sit down. Orders of the Prince." Fili lead her to the sitting room.

"Please sit me by Kili." Dalila requested. Fili was hoping she would sit by him and maybe, just maybe, his comfort would make her love him again. Sadly, this was just a hopeless fantasy.

Fili did as she wished and gently helped her sit beside Kili. She instantly laid her head on his shoulder and he embraced her in a hug. Fili felt numb. He knew Kili meant nothing by it and that he needed this comfort but he envied him. He wanted to be the one Dalila looked to for comfort. He wished it was his shoulder she was leaning on and his arms wrapped around her.

"Will you come to the funeral with me?" Kili asked her.

"Of course. But I better go home. I told Bufor I would be home soon."

"I will escort you home." Fili offered instantly.

"I think it would be best if I did." Thorin said. Dalila agreed and wished everyone farewell.

"Dalila." Fili spoke softly and gently grabbed her wrist. She could have easily slipt out but she did not. She stayed but did not face him or reply.

"Please." He begged. Please. Such a simple word that holds a lot of meaning. Dalila knew exactly what he meant with this simple please. Please meant that he was sorry. Please meant that he missed her. Please meant he needed her. Please meant he would fall apart without her. Please meant everything to Dalila but right now, at this very second, it meant nothing. She was broken and she wouldn't fix that easily.

"Goodbye Fili." She whispered. She slowly slid her hand out of his. She lingered. She longed for his touch. She knew this would be the last time she felt that touch. A tear threatened to spill down her face. She bit her lip and held her head high.

As she followed Thorin and was about to walk out the door she turned back for a split second and made eye contact with Fili. While she stared in his eyes all she could think was please.

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