Heed My Advice, Grasshopper.

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"You're supposed to be dead!" I gasped out, my eyes nearly bulging out of my head. This guy standing in front of me, had died five freaking years ago in a car accident! And you can't be mistaken about that kind of thing, ever.

Was he a ghost or something? I rubbed my eyes. Pretty sure he's not.

Okay, so when I lived back in Ireland, Zayn had moved into my hometown because his Dad got a job there. It was our freshman year and we quickly became the best of friends, maybe 'cos we were both outcasts. Me, the freak and him, the shy guy.

Though he didn't look a least bit like the shy Zayn I remembered. He seemed like a cocky, sarcastic guy with a lot of confidence now. The complete opposite of the old Zayn. His eyes were blazing and he looked like he wanted to just kill me and stash my body somewhere.

"H-how are you alive? You were-"

"Don't say another fucking word," he growled and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"B-but I remember, that day! W-when you had... you had died!" I gulped, recalling the day I thought my best friend had died. It was all over the news, that he had died in a freak car accident and his body had been untraceable.

Then how the fuck is he standing in front of me, five years later?! Was that all a hoax?

He came closer to me and grasped my arm, pulling me to a corner. "Look, you can't tell anyone I'm alive, please. It's both dangerous for you, and for me," he pleaded, his eyes showing... fear?

"B-but your family? Do they-" He cut me off. "Just, don't okay? I'm dead. D-E-A-D dead. I don't exist. To anyone from my past life. And that includes you."

My mind was spinning. Did he fake his death and disappear all those years ago? To where? Here? Why?

But something told me that I won't be getting the answers to those questions anytime soon.

Because Zayn turned around and speed walked out the door in a split second and Louis, finally snapping out, ran after him with a cry of "Whoa, wait!"

"What in the seven hells was that?" Marcel choked out. Oh, right. Forgotten he was there.

"Um..." Zayn told me not to tell anybody, and that included my boyfriend too, right?

"Er, yeah. We were friends a long time ago. And it was a joke between us that whenever we'd meet again, we'd pretend the other was dead. So, haha," I lied nervously. But thank the Heavens, Marcel believed me. He is too naive.

"You have some very weird friends," he commented with a frown, pushing his glasses up his nose.



Niall had accused Zayn of resurrecting to life, when I'm sure he wasn't dead in the first place. And they looked like they knew each other! Marcel and I were watching their faces back and forth like a tennis match.

Zayn had became panicked and steered a gaping Niall to the side, whispering to him rather harshly. Then, he aprubtly turned around and bolted towards the door. But, I had to ask him about yesterday!

"Whoa, wait!" I ran after him and managed to grab his arm. He shrugged off my hand and glared at me. "What?" he spat and I raised my palms up.

"Calm down, I won't ask anything about your 'dead situation'," I air quoted. "You told me you'd answer my questions, so?"

Zayn sighed in an exasperated way and looked up at the sky as if asking, God, why me?

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Maybe later. I wanted to- er, I mean I was ordered to check up on you, so I did. And you're not dead, so phew! I didn't fail," he mock grinned.

He continued. "Now, I best be off. Don't go to too many public places," he advised as a parting note.

"What? Why?" I really hope he'd just answer why I was being attacked in public in a normal way instead of using sarcasm. Surely it can't be because of my brain or whatever he said? Who even wants it? Why do they want it? I was a bit freaked out for my life when Zayn had first explained the situation to me a bit crudely.

"Do you want a repeat of yesterday?" He asked rhetorically but I answered anyway.

"Of course not!"

"Then heed my advice, grasshopper."

"Wait!" I called when he was almost out. He groaned and turned back around.

"At least answer this. How did you guys know I was being attacked?"

"We tracked you through your cell phone and knew when the assassins were gonna strike. And our system is kinda complicated, you won't understand," he shrugged and bolted out of the building before I could blink.

Boy, was he weird.



I turned around to get the hell out of there as fast as I could. Who would've that I would bump into Niall Horan, my best friend from my past life?

Boy, had that bloke changed. Sure, he still looked like the freak he was before, but now to a much higher degree. And seeing him brought flashes of my past life into my mind, and I struggled to get rid of them.

The reason I warned Niall not to tell anyone that knew me that I was alive was because it was dangerous for us and for the people we knew and loved. If somebody knew about them, then of course they'd hurt them.

I mean come on, everybody wants to kill an assassin for killing their boss.

So, when the agency had recruited me on that cursed rainy night, and told- more like threatened -me that I had what it takes to be an assassin and I had to come with them forever. And I couldn't refuse. Why? Because they simply threatened that they'll take me again and I'd have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life.

So, I chose it.

I chose to give my life away. I chose to become an assassin, a killing machine with no empathy. I was no longer the outcast, the shy boy everyone picked on. Sure, I had to fake my death and cause pain to my family. Sure, I never got to see my friend and family again, and I sometimes missed my mother, but that was the old me, the old life.

I was no longer Zayn Malik, I was Zayn Parker now.


I'm so sorry that it's so short! >.<

But we got to know about Zayn's past, so thats good, right? :D

Thank you for the amazayn comments on the last chapters and the book so far! So glad the ones reading are loving it! :')

**Next update after 15 votes, 5 comments and 75 reads.**

Preview of the next chapter: Another attack maybe and more Zouis moments?

~bemycupcake <3

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