Your Scrawny Arse Busting This Door Down?

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Ah, movie night. We were all having a movie night at Louis' house, just like old times. But the only difference was, that Liam and Zayn were with us, and also, the latter was my ex best friend. Which was just a tad awkward.

"Scoot over!" Marcel demanded, standing in front of the loveseat I was sitting in. I moved over and he snuggled beside me, popcorn bowl in hand. Louis was selecting some movies from his movies shelf and Liam was helping him. Liam had said something funny to Louis, which made him snort in laughter and earn a playful smack from Louis.

My eyes wavered from the bantering two, to Zayn, who was sitting on the opposite couch, eyes fixed on the the two lads, and with a scowl so deep on his face, I wondered if it permanent. God, what crawled up his panties?

Speaking of Zayn, he wasn't at all like the Zayn I remembered. I know he had warned me not to tell his family anything about him, and I didn't. But I was about to. Yep.

As, a while ago, I had visited Ireland with Marcel, I had also dropped by Zayn's house, and his family were more than happy to see me. But his Mum had broke down in tears just from seeing me, cos apparently I was her supposedly dead son's best friend, and reminded her of Zayn.

I had to resist the urge to shout in her face that your son is alive and kicking. He's sarcastic, rude, an asshole, but he's pretty much alive. Oh, and he lied to us all these years. But I couldn't bring myself to tell them. Honestly, I was just too fucking scared of Zayn.

I swear I'd even seen a switch blade in his belt once. And he always just glares at me whenever we are forced to be in the same room. Like it's my fault that he had to pretend to be dead or whatever fucked up shit he had to do all these years.

And what I can't wrap my mind around is how the hell is someone like Louis friends with someone like Zayn?

And as if Zayn had just read my mind, he turned his creepy stare to me and I flinched. What the hell is the deal with him?

"You got a problem, Zaynie?" I spat, using his old nick name.

"Don't call me that," he growled lowly. We weren't actually shouting, yet, so all of the lads were oblivious to Zayn and I's... conversation.

"What the fuck is your problem, Zayn? I won't tell anybody about you, alright? I get it. I even went to see your family when I went to Ireland, but-"

I barely managed to register Zayn jumping up from the couch, and fisting my shirt, he slammed me to the wall. I blinked in surprise.

"Why the fuck did you went to them? What did you say? I'm gonna kill you, you little fucktard!" he snarled in my face, and I swear I peed in my pants a bit. Looks like I'm gonna die today.

But what the hell? Why is he so touchy about this?

"ZAYN!" I heard Liam warn the guy forcefully pinning me to the wall, who snorted lightly.

"What the hell Zayn? Let him go!" Louis demanded, anger and confusion radiating from his tone.

Marcel was just watching Zayn fearfully, eyes wide behind his glasses.



"ZAYN!" Liam warned me, and I snorted. Why should I let this idiot go? I swear I'm gonna fucking kill him if he told my family anything about me!

I remember I specifically warned him not to tell anyone anything from my past life. Anything about me being alive. Who knows what he's told them. And the agwncy had told me before I had accepted this job; that if anybody knew my identity, they'd kill everyone who I love.

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