That Boy Can Turn A Straight Dude Gay.

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"Holy Hell!" I heard Louis shriek in a very girly manner from somewhere inside a room, interrupting my TV time. Just like always, I shrugged and ignored him, popping a piece of caramel popcorn in my mouth.


Rolling my eyes, I got up. As I followed the direction of Louis' voice, I realized it was coming from the guest room, in other words known as my room. Oh, shit.

I raced to the room in less than a millisecond, to see Louis standing frozen with a mildly freaked out expression, staring at the wall with his mouth slightly open. I followed his gaze and stifled a chuckle.

There was a thick burnt line carved into the wall, with smoke still coming off it. Louis' gaze was flickering to his now marked wall to the seemingly innocent pen still clutched in his hand. Groaning, I snatched in out of his hand.

"What the hell is that?!" Louis asked, still staring at the offending device now in my hands.

"I told you not to touch my stuff!" I snapped at him.

"I thought it was a pen!"

"Why would I even own a pen? I told you, everything I own are weapons. This," I raised the lazer beam pointer that can burn through bone, "is not a pen. And this is what you get for nosing around." I pointed to his wall with a smirk.

"And I may be paying for your toaster, but I am sure as hell not paying for that wall."

Louis had now snapped out of whatever trance he was in and tried to think of a comeback. When he couldn't, he just huffed, pushed his glasses up his nose quite dramatically and stalked out of the room. Still laughing, I walked back to the living room to take my place back in front of the TV.

I gotta admit, accepting this mission doesn't seem so bad anymore. Sure, I have to keep a nosy Louis away from my weapons, have to control the impulse to break his stuff just to make him mad, pay half of Louis' rent, and have to live with an unwilling roommate, but it sure as hell is fun to rile up said roommate.

He is just too damn funny when he's mad. And it feels nice to have some amusement in my life. My friends are just too absorbed with their work all the time, -all of them being assassins- and it's a nice change from tracking down and killing people.

A while later, Louis came back out of his room. I noticed that it was almost noon, so didn't he have to go to work or some shit like that?

"Hey, love! You're not going to work?" I turned around on the couch and asked the nerd, placing my chin on the backrest. Louis, who was in the kitchen making some tea, looked up and scowled at the nickname.

"My boss said he'd call me in later today. Hope to God it's soon," he added in the end, smirking slightly.

"Yeah, same here. I can't wait to break some more of your stuff when you're not around!" I smirked deviously at the attractive idea.

Louis rolled his eyes, and turned back to the boiling kettle on his stove. Making himself some tea- the bastard didn't even ask me if I wanted some- he sat down on the couch beside me. Very beside me. I eyed him like he had grown a third eye, and he smiled sweetly in response. The fuck?

"You know, we've beeen forced to live together under difficult circumstances, the least we could do is get along," Louis stated, looking at me sideways while sipping his tea.

"And why would I ever want that?" I asked as if he had just said something extremely ridiculous. "It's too much fun teasing you. You look so cute when you're mad!"

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