Louis Tomlinson, I Will Get You.

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"Oh wow," Zayn whistled lowly, standing in front of the TV, listening to the news.

"And still, the police and experts are baffled as to what has managed to completely shut down the economy of New York, and what has managed to shut down the computers systems, our lifelines," the news lady read off.

"This is one dangerous fucker that we're dealing with here," Zayn continued, shaking his head in awe.

"Yeah, I just thought he was all talk and no action. Apparently not," Liam snorted, and Zayn agreed with him.

Whereas I was freaking out. This was the same dangerous guy who wanted to kidnap me, for Heaven's sake!

But at least Liam and Zayn were talking to each other. Well, at least when they were working.


Zayn and Liam drove me to the same fancy Government HQ building yet again. And to say that the ride there was a tad awkward would be an understatement.

I heaved a huge sigh of relief as the building came into view, and I was the first one to hop out of the van. Unlike last time, no Secret Service dudes appeared, and Liam and Zayn took me inside the building instead.

"Ah! Nice to meet you again, Louis!" The bearded guy, who I learned was called Hastings, greeted me warmly. The lanky guy- who everyone was calling Tim- did the same.

"So, what seems to be the problem, gentlemen?" I asked casually, clasping my hands together, trying to look like I had some idea of what I was doing.

"Of course, come this way." And the two dudes led me upstairs to the same computer room before, Liam and Zayn awkwardly trailing behind. On the way, I noticed that the people that were working on the computers before weren't there, and the computers were all turned off. The building was eerily empty.

"Well, why are all the computers off?"

Hastings looked back to me, raising an eyebrow. "Because the Goverment computers in New York have been blocked for a few days, that's why." Oh, what they said on the news.  

"And also the reason why you're here. You don't know the difficulties the state's ecomony is going through because of this," Hastings explained.

"Yeah. Fucking psycho that Tanner is," Tim muttered.

"Oh," I managed to say.

We finally entered the huge walled computer room, which was darker than before as all the computers were off.

"Alright, so when we turn on the computer, this comes on," Tim spoke, walking over to one of the control panel tables and flicking on some switches and pressing some buttons. As a result, one of the computers at the far end whirred to life, and we all walked over to it.

The screen was pure black, and in red dripping blood text was written,


Zayn burst out laughing behind me, and everyone turned to glare at him. He quieted down, but still continued to snicker. "Is that Tanner's message? What is he, 12 or something?" Zayn wheezed out.

"Excuse me, Mr. Parker, but this is a very serious manner," Tim huffed indignantly, giving Zayn the stink eye. Zayn merely shrugged, still grinning.

"So, Louis. Any ideas on how to crack this?" Hastings addressed me.

"Sure. I've loads of ideas," I deadpanned, but of course, they still think I'm a mad genius, so they grinned hopefully.

"That's amazing! What do you suggest we do first?" Tim asked, beaming.

I walked over to the control panel table, running my hand over the controls, trying to buy myself time. How the hell do I get out of this? Why on earth did they think I was a genius in the first place?

As soon as my hand mindlessly ran over a circular sensor thingy, the computer started beeping. I pulled my hand away in surprise, and everyone's attention focused on the computers.

The text changed.

"Ah, I see Louis is there," it read. What the fudge? This is creepy.

"Consider this blockage a warning of what I will do if I don't have Louis Tomlinson in my possession. For now I'm sparing you.

Louis Tomlinson, I will get you. One Way Or Another.

Perhaps in an exchange, perhaps in a way you'd never expect, but I will get you.

Flynn Tanner."

Holy Hell, this dude is scary! I looked around after I'd finally managed to recover from the shock. Everyone was still gaping at the screen.

"T-hat was- uh- interesting," I managed to stutter out after a long stretch of silence.

"The computers are back on!" Hastings crowed, and cue to his sentence, the other computers whirred to life.

"B-but, what just happened?" I choked out. Was that Tanner's message? If it was, then I'm in some deep trouble here.

"Yeah, that was Tanner," Liam spoke, frowning. "And apparently, he had only put up a blockage in this state's computers so that he could get to you, and warn you."

I gulped at his words. "I will get you?" I repeated the scary words that were on the screen in a timid voice.

"Don't worry Louis, I- w-we, won't let him touch you," Liam assured me firmly.

"But, if Tanner can hack through these computers, can't he hack the whole country's computers?" I asked no one in particular.

"No, lad. Tanner had only blocked New York's computers, 'cos he wanted to get his message across to you. And he needs you to infiltrate the country's super master control. And I'm sure they won't let Tanner get to you," Tim gestured to Liam and Zayn.

I breathed out shakily. Alright. Okay. This was all real now. My life was really in danger. A psychopath had just told me that he'll get me, one way or another. If that's not enough to make you shit your pants, then you're pretty tough.

"Yes sir. Yes. Yes. Of course. Okay. Sure sir. Yes," Zayn murmured into his phone, then ending the call, pocketed it and turned to Liam.

"Bryson says that we need more strict surveillance on Louis for a few days now, so agents will be camping out the house," Zayn told us.

"O-okay? Can we leave now?" I almost pleaded.

"Yeah, I-"

Tim cut Liam off. "Of course not, Louis! You're work isn't done yet. We received a call from the White House just now, and the President is worried. And he also wants you to try to track down Tanner's location by tracing the source code of his messages and..."

I just tuned him out, shaking my head in denial. This is not happening. This is not happening. I CAN'T WORK A BLOODY GOVERNMENT COMPUTER! And my life is in danger, and they expect me to save myself, I'm the only hope for me? That is just too depressing.

I felt myself getting a bit woozy like those stupid too-easy girls in cliche movies, and soon enough, I felt a pair of strong arms around me, holding me up.

"I think Louis needs to rest a bit gentlemen, he's still in a bit of shock," the voice close to my ear spoke, Zayn's.

I heard a few murmurs of affirmation, and then I felt myself losing consciousness, pressed against a strong and sexy body.


OH SHIT. I'm scared of Tanner now.   O.O

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**Next update after 50 votes, 12 comments and 260 reads.**

Preview of the next chapter: Marcel's drama, and... *gasp* Elounor?

~bemycupcake <3

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