On My Own, Whatever It Takes.

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"He's gone!" I heard an agent call out from a distance, and felt my heart sink. Shit, he's gone! They got Louis!

Immediately, a group of agents disbanded from the group, jumped into a van, and drove away in the supposed direction of where they took Louis.

After waiting for a few tense minutes, a few agents returned, and one of them had a bruised Marcel in his arms. They walked over to where Bryson, Liam and I stood.

"MARCEL!" Niall cried from behind us, bounding over to his now unconscious boyfriend and taking him in his arms, kissing him all over.

"Sir, they took Louis Tomlinson. They somehow found out about us, and we couldn't act on surprise, so they took the boy," the agent informed Bryson, who shook his head sadly, mumbling curses.

"What? Shit," the agent cursed, pressing his ear piece. "Sir, they lost track of the van."

Shit, shit, shit!

I knew this would happen, I fucking knew it! Louis is such an idiot! And now that psycho has got him, and who knows what he'll do to him. Oh God. And now I have to save his ass.

I want him safe, I want to know if he's okay, if he's hurt, shit!

"Zayn, Zayn, ZAYN?! Calm down!" Liam was gripping my upper arms, while I breathed heavily.

"Mate, you're going to tear your hair out. Just. Calm. Down."

"How can I calm the fuck down?! Who knows where Louis is right now?! I told you all, I fucking told you this would happen! But no, nobody listened to me! We gotta go save Louis right now, in any w-way!" I know I was making no sense right now, but I was just so... so fucking mad right now!

"Alright lads. Go home, rest. We'll handle it from here. We'll inform you if we get anything on Louis," Bryson ordered us. "Don't lose hope," he spoke sternly, looking directly at me.

"But how can we just go home, there is so much we can do-"

"Zayn," Bryson cut me off. "That is an order."

And I couldn't do anything but comply.


"This is fucking ridiculous Liam!" I cried out, pacing inside the apartment. Yes, we were at our own apartment, not Louis'. I just couldn't go there right now.

"Zayn, Bryson has a plan. You gotta trust him. We just need to keep a cool head and not act irrationally-"

"How can you be calm, Liam? Don't you care about Louis?!" I threw at him, and Liam's eyes narrowed.

"Of course I do! And not blowing your top would be the best fucking thing to do in this situation! The best for Louis."

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. God, I can't believe I told Louis that I won't save him. I wish I had told him the truth.


"Agents, we should act cautiously on this," Bryson began. We were in his office the next morning. Yes, the next fucking morning. The FBI was busy trying to track down Louis all night, and now we're gonna know if we had any progress.

"Thank God we had put a tracking device on Louis-"


"Yes Agent Z, we had. And now we know the location of where they're keeping Louis. Let's just hope that they haven't found the device and our leading us astray," Bryson frowned.

"But we gotta try, yeah? When are we going to the location?" I asked, already out of my seat.

"Patience, Zayn," Bryson gritted his teeth. "Sit."

I scowled, but sunk down in my seat.

"I say, we gather up a strong team, fit enough to face off anything that Tanner might have arranged for his defense. And we should probably wait another day or so before we act-"

"Wait another day or so? Are you fucking kidding me Liam? Are you guys okay in the head? Who knows what that fucker will do to Louis, he-"

"ZAYN! Sit down!" Bryson bellowed, standing up as well. I narrowed my eyes.


"What did you just say?" My boss asked in a low, threatening voice.

"I said, no. You're all being fucking ridiculous, and I'm saving Louis, on my own, whatever it takes." And with that, I spun on my heel and dashed out of Bryson's office.

I know I can easily get the information about Louis from the FBI office. I'm an agent, so I have access to all the confidential information. And besides, this is still my mission.

"Liam, I want you to keep an eye on Zayn. Don't let him do anything rash, you know what he is capable of," I heard Bryson warn Liam from the other side, and I snorted. Yeah, good luck stopping me, Payne.

After I had all the information about Louis' location, I slipped out of the office, and started towards my destination, to fulfill my mission. And that is saving Louis.

I know I'm being stupid, and irrational. But I just need to save Louis. I just don't fucking know, I just have to.



Super short, sorry! I just had a little bit of time so.. yeah. And I just wanted to update! :3

Hope you still liked it! :)

I posted a Nouis one-shot, so if you like my writing, mind checking it out? :D

**Next update after 58 votes, 15 comments and 230 reads.**

Preview of the next chapter: Bryson has a 'chat' with Louis. :O


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