Chapter 2 ~Hakuna Matata~

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''You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open to long love.'' Was the first thing I heard snapping me back into reality. Wait where was I again?

''C'mon the trucks aren't going to wait around forever.'' He then grabbed my arm pulling me towards the four by four's. Once inside the Jeep the instructor told us all the safety rules like not to lean outside of the Jeep and only to take pictures when told and then we were off. Looking around at the scenery was breathtaking. Seeing these animals in there natural habitat was nothing compared to visiting the zoo. The Jeep slowed down at a few points along the way to let us take pictures of the animals so I decided to switch on my camera to vlog my surroundings. As soon as the camera came out Eden started posing and pretending she was a journalist in her best David Attenborough impression.

''And here you can see four young teenagers embarking on a journey of a lifetime in Kenya. Look at the majestic animals as they stride past us in their natural habitat.'' The Jeep rocked knocking the camera out of my hand, making me fall onto Tobias, Logan fall on me and Eden fall on Logan. Tobias just stared at me and made a low growl so I flashed him a quick smile before getting back up.

''You should really smile more Tobias it would make that pretty little face of yours look much more attractive.'' I shot Eden a glare, was she trying to start World War three?

''You should really smile more Tobias it would make that pretty little face of yours look much more attractive.'' He mimicked in a high pitched voice with a small smirk on his face. This time it was Eden who shot a glare at Tobias, while me and Logan tried to hold back our laughter. ''Hey, I do not sound like that! Right guys?'' She looked between me and Logan and we both burst out with laughter. I tried to talk in between laughter but I couldn't get any words out so instead I held my hands up in defeat. I looked over at Tobias who was holding back his smile.

''Attention everyone we are arriving at the lion pride, could you bring everything with you and we will head straight to the locker rooms before having our introductory talk. Each pair will share a locker so line up to receive your key.''

Tobias shoved our stuff into the locker and then placed they key in his back pocket for 'safe keeping.' We headed over to meet two male and female instructors. They informed us of today's events and then split the group into two. Eden and Logan were in the other group, leaving me to deal with Tobias alone. Great! Once again my thoughts got the best of me and I was being dragged by Tobias for the second time today. He seemed very eager to see the lion cubs.

Our group's first activity for the day was to feed some of the younger cubs who had been separated from their parents at birth due to them being hunted. As much as I was excited to feed and play with these little cubs, I was still apprehensive about the situation. Yes they were only babies but they still had sharp claws and sharp teeth. I can just about handle a cat scratch. Tobias must have noticed my nerves as I felt his hand squeeze mine tighter.

One part of me felt happy that I had some comfort even if it was from the idiot, however another part of me was shocked that he was still holding my hand. I looked at his hand in mine and then looked at him. His eyes widened in surprise a little and then he let go.

''Falling for me already love.''

I couldn't help but snort at that ridiculous comment. ''I think it might be the over way around, 'love'. You grabbed my hand first remember.''

''Whatever'' was his reply before turning on his heels and walking away. I followed after him about to give him a piece of my mind but before I could say anything my eyes met with the cubs. A small 'aww' escaped my lips a I grabbed a bottle to start feeding them milk. I sat down on the ground while Tobias grabbed a blanket to put over me before placing the cub on my lap. My eyes lit up watching the little cub drink the milk from the bottle. Tobias sat next to me while he played with a little cub that had just finished it's feed. I felt him watching me so I decided to be the bigger person and break the ice.

''So what made you decide to come here for the summer? I don't want to seem rude but you don't strike me as the type of person who would do this type of stuff.'' Tobias shifted his body to face me ''so what 'type' of person do I strike you as?''


''Yeah Ava I'm curious''

''Well-ll.. boys that look like you at my school just seem to party and sleep around with a new girl every weekend.'' His faced dropped at that, not angry but kinda sad.

''Well it's nice to know you think so highly of me. but I have always loved animals and I just wanted to get away for a little while so I decided to come here, if you must know.'' I didn't know what to say to that and I felt kinda bad so I decide to change the subject completely.

''Want to have a go at feeding this little guy.'' I smiled.


The day went quicker than I expected after lunch we swapped with the other group and went into a smaller enclosure where we put meat around for the cubs to find to help them engage with their senses more and adding little challenges along the way. At the end of our day we got a treat for volunteering to help out in which we were able to feed the bigger lions meat. We all gathered our stuff and got back into the Jeep exhausted from our long day out. The weather at night was much better than during the day as it was cooler. Tonight we were going to make s'mores around the camp fire and hang out. I rested my head on the side of the Jeep and looked up at the stars thinking about what a great trip this has been. For once in my life I feel like I have nothing to worry about.

Hakuna Matata.

Thanks for reading everyone, please give us some feedback so we know weather the book is good or not. As your opinion if the most important thing. Next chapter will come soon as there's 2 of us writing so double the speed. :) Vote, comment, follow.

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