Chapter 16~ uncharted territory~

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I woke up next morning to a smell that I haven't smelt in a while but definitely missed dearly. I allowed my nose to guide me down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my mum and dad sitting at the table surrounded by a bunch of food that can only be identified as my mum's famous breakfast. "Ava honey!" my mum engulfed me in hug and I never realised how much I missed them both until I saw them again, my dad stood up from his chair and I hugged him too. "So how was your trip?" I asked as I made my way to the table deciphering what I was going to eat first. "Amazing!" my mum began throwing her hands up in the air as she told me about all their endeavors, my dad, like usual didn't say too much he just smiled at my mum as she spoke and chimed in every now and then. 

I finished eating faster than usual and ran upstairs to quickly throw on a pair on skinny jeans, a t shirt and some converse for school. My bedroom door open slightly as I was brushing my hair into a ponytail, Maggie stepped into my room awkwardly rocking on her feet "I just wanted to saw bye" she croaked and looking at my Aunt I realised my parents leaving for this trip allowed me to see her in a whole new light. "Not at least staying for the weekend?" I smiled, "no parties planned for me?" This made her laugh and she stepped further into my room. "I'm afraid not" she shrugged "I need to catch up on some work" I nodded proud of my aunt and the person she has become. 

"So is this the point that we're supposed to hug?" I asked, not bothering to respond she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around hers returning the hug. We stepped away from eachother after a few seconds and laughed both obviously thinking the same thing about how our relationship has changed throughout the duration of this week, the idea of willingly hugging Maggie would never have been a concept that I understood. "See ya later baby niece" she waved lugging her case down the stairs and even though she couldn't see me anymore I rolled my eyes. 

I left the house not long after Maggie and made my way to school, running a little late I drove faster than usual so it wasn't long until I was pulling into the car park. I was surprised to see Gray's car parked next to my usual spot instead of the closer ones which were generally exclusive to the jocks and whoever they deemed 'worthy'. I shrugged guessing maybe it was just that someone stole his spot and all would be well again in the world tomorrow. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and headed into the main building wanting to be anywhere but here. 

I joined Zara at her locker and before I even had a chance to say a simple hi she turned to me flinging her hands on each of my shoulders gripping them tightly "you will never guess what" considering the fact that she didn't automatically continue, I figured she actually wanted me to guess "um your pet pig finally learned to fly today?" She looked at me completely exasperated before rolling her eyes and continuing "well Noah finally text me and asked me out", her hands were clasped together and she had a massive smile on her face and I can't remember ever seeing her so excited about a guy. "That's great Zar, it's about time" I joked squeezing her hand and hoping to betray how happy I actually was for her, she nodded "but our date definitely won't be on a weekday" she winked before placing a final book in her locker and walking away. "Oh come on" I sighed trailing after her and preparing myself for math. 

School went by surprisingly fast today and it wasn't long until I found myself back in the car park "how comes I haven't seen you around today?" Gray joined me matching my stride obviously walking in the same direction as me, "yeah I was pretty caught up today" I spoke softly as he walked purposely close enough for our shoulders to graze against each others with each stride. "So you're not avoiding me then?" he asked and came to a halt facing me, I stopped walking too and looked up at him frowning "do I have a reason to avoid you?" I raised an eyebrow and looked up at him searching his eyes and his lips morphed into his signature smirk his eyes sparkling slightly as they met mine "of course not" he said, "you coming?" he motioned towards our cars and I laughed following him happy to have the cheeky, funny Gray back I was familiar with. 

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